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The Top 5 Issues for Commercial Truck Drivers in 2019: Part 2



As we wrap up 2019, we’re left reflecting on the progress made in the industry this year. With the exponential rise of online commerce and ever-growing demand for immediate product fulfillment, the transportation industry is becoming more integral to the American economy than ever before. As the field grows, one would hope that conditions for drivers improve accordingly, but we all know that this is sometimes tricky. While drivers may be receiving many perks for fulfilling this important role, things still aren’t perfect out on the road.  In our last post, we detailed some of the most frustrating issues facing drivers this year, and in this edition, we intend to unpack five more of these common complaints. 

#6 Speed Limits  

While it’s no question that speed limits are an important part of keeping everyone safe on the roads, excessively low speed limits can be a great annoyance for truckers. Speed plays a big role in a driver’s overall fuel efficiency. Fuel is easily the most expensive maintenance cost of owning a semi, and drivers try to maximize their miles per gallon. One of the best ways to do this is to find your trucks “sweet spot” which is the speed at which you’re getting the most out of your diesel. Speed limitations can cause drivers to miss out on their sweet spot and therefore miss out on precious fuel miles. 

Slowing down can also slow down your routes significantly. An unexpected slowdown can lead to delayed or even missed deliveries if poorly planned. Efficiency is key out on the road. While safety measures are wildly important, speed limits are often huge hurdles for truck drivers. To minimize this inconvenience, try to take major highways and interstates that will probably have higher limits than surface roads. Additionally, try to find the sweetest spot possible for fuel intake while not risking unsafe or illegal driving habits. 

#7 Faulty Infrastructure

Faulty infrastructure can be a huge inconvenience to truckers, particularly when it concerns the roads and bridges that they are driving across all day. Potholes, cracks and generally poorly maintained roads are not only unpleasant and bumpy to drive on, but they can also be a safety concern. Driving a semi-truck is high risk due to its size and power, so absolute control of the vehicle is essential at all times. Rough road conditions can also be hard on the mechanics of your truck. Potholes and cracks can cause damage to your suspension and tires. Particularly deep ones can even break an axle if you’re going fast enough, causing thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs. 

While it’s not necessarily realistic or possible to avoid these issues, try your best to minimize the damages they cause. Slow down a bit if you see a large pothole in your path.

#8 Distracted Drivers

Driver distraction is a huge issue for truck drivers, as it presents a massive safety concern. This is especially true of non-commercial drivers who aren’t always respectful of the amount of space required following an 18-wheeler. Drivers who are not paying attention and are unaware of a semi-truck’s blind spot present a real threat to themselves and the truck driver. Controlling a semi is a tough job already and trying to account for distracted drivers nearby only makes it harder. Trucks can’t maneuver or respond as quickly as regular cars, so when someone drifts into your lane or stops short, it can lead to a catastrophic outcome. Try to avoid potential collisions by always staying aware of your surroundings, frequently checking your mirrors, and never following too closely. 

#9 Driver Training Standards 

Driver training is the first defense when it comes to creating safe and efficient drivers. While many find extensive driver training protocol to be invasive and boring, its essential when it comes to creating good habits for the future of the industry. Even if you’re a seasoned industry veteran, being an advocate for thorough training creates a better industry standard. To personally help raise the bar, stay up to date on current training and make sure that you’re informed of all essential protocol. 

#10 Delays at Facilities 

One of the most important things to a driver is efficiency, and the ultimate killer of efficiency is a delay. Delays at facilities can eat away at a driver’s day tremendously. A delay of a few hours can mean missing out on hundreds of miles of driving that day. Depending on your unique employment situation, you may also be missing out on wages. If your hourly rate only includes hours on the road and not sitting in line at facilities, you could be missing out on time on the clock. While much of this is out of your control, you can minimize the waiting to the best of your ability by being prompt for all your appointments. To avoid missed pay, carefully review your employment terms when starting a new position. 

If you’re considering getting into this industry, it’s good to have a helping hand. Mission Financial has an informative blog and plenty of resources to help you get started with your financing!  

The Top 5 Issues for Drivers in 2019: Part 1

While conditions for drivers are constantly improving, there is still a variety of nuisances that have yet to be worked out. While it can be profitable and fulfilling, being a commercial truck driver is still a demanding and difficult job with its own set of hurdles. Many of the intricacies of the ever-changing transportation industry affect the lives of drivers, in both positive and negative ways. We listened to the concerns of seasoned industry professionals and curated a list of the top 10 issues plaguing drivers in the year 2019. 

#1: Driver Compensation

With the growing driver shortage, many carrier companies are offering great financial incentives for drivers, but even still, compensation is a huge point of conflict for many drivers. While driving for a commercial carrier can be fulfilling, stable and profitable, there may be some room for improvement. Annual salaries in this industry usually hover around the national average household annual income, which is $56,516, but this obviously depends on the area you’re based out of. While this might seem low for the demands of this career, there are many ways to boost your chances of receiving a higher salary. 

As a commercial truck driver, your salary is often dependent on the length of your routes, the frequency of them, and the area where you are based out of. Additionally, your experience and driving record factor into how much you are offered in terms of compensation. As you gain more years in the industry under your belt, you will be eligible for higher pay rates than you found at the beginning of your career. Additionally, keeping your driving record clean will also boost offers. In terms of what can be accomplished in the shorter term, assuming more responsibility leads to higher pay. Try seeking out longer or more frequent routes for a pay upgrade. 

Fortunately, there have been strides in a positive direction. In a recent trial, the court favored a verdict claiming that drivers should be paid for their time in the sleeper berth, and there has been a recent push to include this “off-duty” time into worker pay. 

#2: Invasive Break Policies

Working hours have often been a major concern for drivers. Despite the media portrayals of drivers powering through sleepiness on the road all night, this is far from the reality of the situation. There are many laws to ensure rest and meal breaks, some of these regulations going to excessive lengths. While exact regulations vary by state, usually an average of 8 hours is required for drivers to spend in the sleeper berth portion of the truck in addition to two consecutive hours otherwise off-duty, but many areas are attempting to go a step further. Some areas are trying to enforce 30-minute meal breaks throughout the day, which can disrupt efficiency and compromise driver well-being. Many drivers find these strict laws about breaks to be disruptive to their efficiency and are fighting back. Being forced to take too many breaks throughout their workday can interrupt their “flow” and even tire them out more than if they just got their driving knocked out in longer blocks. Many of them also find this law invasive, claiming that they don’t like to be told when to be taking their breaks. Thankfully, recent legislation such as the REST act seeks to eliminate frivolous 30-minute break requirements. Finding this balance is an important part of the industry as it vastly impacts the driver’s quality of life.  

#3: Truck Parking 

The availability of parking for semi-trucks is also a concern for American drivers. Drivers can’t simply pull into any gas station or roadside rest stop, they have to look for places with special accommodations in specific areas for semi-trucks. While the industry is investing in building more facilities for this purpose, they are still sometimes too scarce in certain areas. The lack of available truck parking spaces can be detrimental to a driver’s quality of life, as it often forces them to drive further to find these spots. Driving further can push past the required hours of service that were previously mentioned and betray public regulations that are set in place to protect the driver and the carrier alike. 

#4: Autonomous Truck Technology 

While autonomous trucking technology wouldn’t eliminate the role of the long haul-trucker, as autonomous trucks would still need to be manned by an actual person, it would drastically change the job description. Truckers who deeply cherish their daily routine are slowly having to come to terms with the evolving nature of the industry. Drivers will soon have to switch from driving to monitoring, and while many assert that this will make routes safer and more efficient, it will take much of the interest out of the days’ work as well as possibly being threatening to individual careers. 

Currently, there is still a massive national driver shortage that drivers can take full advantage of and get additional incentives from their current position along with increased hours and therefore increased pay. 

#5: The ELD Mandate

The Electronic Logging Device Mandate often referred to simply as the ELD Mandate, is a new regulation that requires trucks to be equipped with additional technology that aims to improve safety and efficiency on the road. It was originally implemented in 2017, but it is just now becoming a nuisance for many drivers. The deadline for vehicles that were grandfathered in is quickly approaching, becoming final in December 2019. While it had certain safety benefits, many drivers found it invasive and inconvenient. This inconvenience is exaggerated when drivers own their own trucks and have to personally pay for the installation of these logging devices. 

While there is no legal avoidance of this mandate, it’s important to consider its intentions. The money and effort that goes into this installation might save you thousands of collision damages later by helping you avoid them in the first place. 

These issues may be annoying right now, but many are a result of the blossoming industry that will lead to driver prosperity. These growing pains have incredible potential to be indicative of a brighter future for truckers, and in the short term, many can be aided with creative problem-solving skills and an optimistic mindset. Hopefully, this information has informed a more holistic view of trucker culture as a whole, and next month, you can check out part two of this article right here on our blog

Keeping Semi-Truck Operating Costs Low

Trucking can be an expensive ordeal. This is especially true when you own or lease your own semi instead of driving a company-owned truck. Not only is the upfront cost expensive (hovering around $150,000), but the maintenance and annual expenses also pile up, usually costing around $180,000 to keep a commercial truck in a fleet every year. While many of these costs are unavoidable, there are several things you can be doing to minimize your operating costs to be as low as possible. Here are a few of our suggestions.

Slashing Fuel Costs

Fuel is one of the most expensive parts of semi-truck ownership, making up to 39% of operating costs. Depending on the area of operation, diesel can easily add up to over $70,000 a year alone. If you’re new to the industry, you might be unaware of the extent of this usage. To put it in perspective, the average car uses 500 gallons of fuel per year. In contrast, the average semi-truck uses 20,500 gallons annually, a staggering difference.

To help keep this lofty cost to a minimum, one thing you can do is to maximize your fuel efficiency. Every truck has a “sweet spot” where you’re going fast enough to make all of your appointments on time, but slow enough that you’re not burning unnecessary, excess fuel. To find your sweet spot, try monitoring your current fuel efficiency, and adjust your average speed accordingly.

Another way to cut down on fuel costs is to shop smarter when filling up the tank. As it does with normal automobile gas, diesel prices fluctuate drastically depending on the area. The U.S. national average cost per gallon of diesel hovers around $3.17. This changes by a few cents depending on the exact station and area, but there are a few ways to avoid overpaying. In general, diesel is more expensive on the West Coast. This is mostly due to the famously overpriced California. If you can, try to plan out your route so that you can avoid filling up in this expensive area. Additionally, if you have the resources to do so, alternatives to diesel fuel could potentially help you save on this massive expense.

Getting Affordable Insurance

Insurance is another sizable cost of operating a semi-truck, as there are over 9 different policies to buy and consider. The costs of these policies are usually around 4% of overall operating expenses, which may seem like a small fraction but is really thousands of dollars. While you don’t have a choice in whether or not you purchase these insurance policies, there are a few things that you can do to lower your rates and get the cheapest possible insurance deals.

One of the most important things you can do to lower your insurance rates is to keep your driving record as clean as possible. Drivers without any major infractions are considered less of a financial liability for insurance providers, and this trust translates into lower rates. While adhering to safe and orderly driving practices is important for the wellbeing of the public, it’s also essential for the wellbeing of your pockets.

Avoiding Unnecessary Repairs

Truck repairs can really add up, adding thousands to your annual bill. While it may sound counterintuitive, one of the best things you can do to minimize these costs is to pay more upfront. Being diligent about regular maintenance can actually lower your overall costs by preventing emergency repairs or paying for an accident resulting from faulty equipment. Waiting until equipment malfunctions or breaks down results in having to replace it all together rather than just taking proper care of it to preserve it.

Breakdowns due to poor maintenance can also lead to bigger issues affecting other tuck parts, or they can even leave you vulnerable to accidents that endanger you, the public, and your entire rig. Schedule regular maintenance to keep your semi in pristine working condition.

Schedule Your Routes Carefully

Since most truck drivers are paid by the mile, one of the best ways to optimize your pay per hour is to reduce idling time or time spent sitting in traffic. Any time where the truck isn’t moving is money right out of your pocket. While the conditions might not always be in your control, you can always make your best effort to avoid it.

Try to plan out your routes to avoid heavily congested areas during busy times such as the morning or evening rush. If you have the freedom to do so, take less popular roads during these times to try to skirt around traffic jams. While you might take a slightly longer route mile-wise, it will improve efficiency by allowing you to complete routes faster. Additionally, this can result in safer traveling due to clearer conditions, as traffic jams are often risky in terms of fender benders.

Maximizing Profit

When it comes down to it, driving a semi-truck is your career, and we all want to make a living wage. Keeping operating costs low is the best way to squeeze the most out of your salary. There are several invisible strains on your operation that you might not even realize. For example, truck stops sell more coffee than convenience stores, and the majority of these sales are to big rig drivers. Something as simple as streamlining daily purchases can make a difference in your daily profit margin. While you won’t necessarily be saving thousands by skipping that second cup of joe, making small changes can add up into healthy financial habits that save you big money later on.

For more information about how to get the most out of the trucking industry, check out Mission Financial!

Myths About the Trucking Industry: Debunked

There is a wide variety of stereotypes surrounding truckers and their community. These generalizations are largely negative, without any proper basis. Not only are these myths insulting to truckers, but they can encourage misinformation about the entire industry. This type of negative association impacts the reputation of transport companies as well as insults the integrity of drivers themselves. We’re here to set the record straight. Here are some of the most prevalent myths about the trucking industry and the truth behind them.

Myth #1: Average Salaries are Low

People often assume that truck drivers make a fairly low salary, or that trucking is not a dependable career choice. In fact, there is a hefty plethora of people who spend the entirety of their working years as a big rig driver. The U.S. national average annual salary for truck drivers was $52,420 as of October 2019. This hovers right around the overall national salary average. Also, salaries are usually dependent on how experienced and efficient someone is as a driver. Things like years of experience and a clean driving record will bump up salary offers over time.

Myth #2: No Time for Family

Many people assume that the nature of long haul trucking doesn’t foster a proper work/life balance because it takes too much time away from home. While driving a big rig does require a decent amount of time on the road, it’s not as much as you might think. While certain commercial drivers are away for a few weeks at a time, regional drivers are usually home every weekend. Most established carrier companies have policies about time on versus time off. For example, many companies follow a general schedule of 7 days on, 7 days off. Schedules such as these allow for ample time to unwind and connect with your loved ones.

Myth #3: Drivers are Over-Worked

There is a public assumption that truck drivers are constantly tired and overworked. This is rarely the case. There are strict laws in place to protect drivers, which include frequent rest and meal breaks. Recently, drivers even pushed back to decrease the severity of these types of laws, as they preferred to not take as many breaks. However you feel about these laws, one thing is for certain, drivers are guaranteed meal and rest breaks every single day.

Myth #4: Truckers are Unsanitary

Truckers are sometimes assumed to be unhygienic because of their on-the-road lifestyle, but this isn’t the case. Even though driving isn’t a traditional desk job, their cab is still their office. Drivers often take immense pride in presenting as professional and polished. Showers are readily available at virtually all truck stops for drivers to wash up at the end of the day, and cabs are usually kept in tidy condition since it will be their home for a few days.

Myth #5: Only Men can be Truck Drivers

This is one of the most toxic myths out there, and it’s important to note its falsehood. While this field has been male-dominated since its creation, that’s all changing now in this modern era. Trucking is no longer a man’s game, and it’s increasing in diversity by the day. As more and more women are hired in the transportation industry, the workforce grows and these stigmas dwindle. Women are helping aid in the current driver shortage and easing the stress of a shrinking workforce by doubling the potential pool of drivers.

Myth #6: Truck Drivers Create Unsafe Conditions on the Road

You might not think that truck drivers care much about safety. It’s often rumored that they tend to speed to increase efficiency, which might sound correct in theory, but this concept falls apart in practice. Speeding drastically increases the risk of a collision, and collisions are far more expensive and time-consuming than slowing down a bit. Drivers are heavily trained and informed of proper safety measures before they are even issued a commercial driver’s license (CDL), and are usually put through additional safety training after they are hired by a shipping company.

Myth #7: Autonomous Semi-Trucks Will Replace Drivers

With the recent innovations in the autonomous vehicle field, many are wondering if truck drivers will soon be replaced with self-driving semi-trucks. While the name “autonomous” indicates an independent self-driving vehicle, this is far from the reality of the situation. Even trucks that claim to be autonomous need a human in the cab to account for error of other drivers and unexpected factors. While it won’t be exactly the same job, truckers won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Become a Commercial Truck Driver Today

While the nature of the transportation industry is always changing and evolving, it certainly isn’t dwindling anytime soon. In fact, it’s growing at an astonishing rate. The recent rise of shipping demands and the increasing shortage of drivers makes now a better time than ever to get involved in the field. Many companies are offering incentives to start a career with them in order to meet their growing demands. If you think you might be interested in getting into this industry now that we’ve debunked those pesky negative myths, check out Mission Financial and get help with your financing today.

The National Driver Shortage: Finding the Fix

According to industry experts, the United States trucking industry has been experiencing a massive driver shortage. The shortage is causing ripple effects and creating consequences for suppliers, carriers, and drivers alike. While the situation has worsened in recent years, it’s only expected to decline in the near future with the lack of incentives for drivers. Additionally, the demand for services is growing quickly with the increasing population and product demand. While the industry is growing, driver employment just can’t keep up. While this is good for trucking job prospects, the demand has created a busier schedule for individual drivers who are picking up the current slack. The American Trucking Association has said, “if conditions don’t change substantively, our industry could be short just over 100,000 drivers in five years and 160,000 drivers by 2028.”

Replacing retiring drivers and keeping up with economic growth requires the industry to hire about 110,000 workers per year, but many companies are struggling to do so. So what’s the fix? Here’s what you need to about the current national driver shortage.

Where Did the Shortage Come From?

More freight services are needed to account for product demand in the ever-growing U.S. economy. A substantial portion of this demand comes from the sharp increase in delivered products from online commerce, which has absolutely skyrocketed in the past decade. Additionally, the complex political situation concerning trade between the United States and China has increased the demand for American freight.

One of the biggest threats to the current driver workforce is simply age. Drivers are retiring at rates that are not balanced out by the rates of new recruits, shrinking the pool of candidates. Also, there is heavy competition from other blue-collar fields such as construction and plumbing that have similar pay ceilings and benefits without excessive traveling and time away from home. Many eligible candidates for trucking positions gravitate towards these other options, especially if they have families that they don’t want to be away from for long periods of time.

How Companies Can Help Fix it

There are many things that companies can do to get more drivers on their team. Some have tried to sweeten the pot by offering incentives and focusing on recruiting a lasting workforce. Here are some of the ways that companies can ease the burden of the driver shortages.

Improving Work-Life Balance

Companies should offer a better work-life balance for their employees. Truckers often work long and tiring hours, all while spending time away from home, and this can be unappealing to people outside of the industry thinking about jumping in. If companies encouraged more manageable hours, people might be less hesitant to accept the job. Additionally, providing extra days off between trips would allow drivers to achieve a more well-rounded routine. If companies could guarantee that there would be a good work-life balance, new drivers would be more likely to get involved, and this could help establish a lasting pool of drivers.

Encouraging More Women

The industry is missing out on a large potential workforce by not trying harder to appeal to female drivers. Less than 7% of semi-truck drivers are female, a staggeringly small percentage. Making more of an effort to get women into the industry could potentially double the workforce.

Additionally, while the trucking industry has drastically raised its percentages of minority drivers in the past decade, continuing this process will aid the crisis even more. Reaching out to all demographics will lead to a larger supply of qualified workers.

Recruiting Veterans

Recruiting more veterans can revolutionize the trucking industry. It eases their transition into civilian life and they likely already have experience with similar machinery from their served time. Many companies are formulating plans for programs that provide Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) for veterans with similar military-based licenses.

Persuading Younger Drivers

Another basis for training programs is getting younger recruits to serve in the workforce for decades to come. The average age for a commercial truck driver is 46, whereas the average age for other blue-collar professions is 37. Attracting more young drivers into the industry can help offset the progressing retirement rate, as long as these drivers can be convinced to stay in their careers. Fortunately, there are many incentives for entry-level employees to join the workforce, such as competitive salaries, job security, minimal accreditation, and all of the advancements in autonomous technology.

Get into the Industry Today

Now is a good time to enter the transportation and trucking industry considering the high demand and low supply. Getting into the industry young and qualified can set you up for a lifetime of stability, as the industry is only expected to grow in the coming years. If you’re interested in getting started and need help with financing, check out Mission Financial to jumpstart your future career as a semi-truck driver!

Everything You Need to Know about Annual Semi-Truck Maintenance

Semi-truck maintenance can be expensive and unpredictable, but it’s a necessary evil that comes along with ownership. It’s tempting to put off repairs until damage occurs, but regular maintenance is crucial to preventing more serious problems down the road. Preventative maintenance can save costs and eliminate downtime for your truck. Annual repairs and tune-ups are recommended by industry professionals, but how often are they really necessary, and how much should you be saving for them? Here are our recommendations for how to keep up with your annual semi-truck maintenance.

What Yearly Maintenance is Necessary?

Major engine repair can cost up to $22k, so preventative measures are cheaper in the long run. While the intricacies of your truck are unique, there are a few measures that are standard for all trucks. While many are relatively cheap and mundane, they can prevent engine and body damage that could potentially cost you a small fortune in repairs. Here are the most important methods of regular truck maintenance to keep in mind:

  • Checking tires for wear
  • Regular oil changes
  • Fuel Vent Cleaning
  • Brake checks
  • Add Grease to Moving Parts
  • Check Radiator for Leaks and Fluid Loss

Some Repairs Are More Important Than Others… 

While all regular maintenance is important, there are three things that are especially crucial: tires, radiators, and oil changes. These are particularly important because they can cause the most expensive damage if left unattended.


 Replacing your worn tires is essential for responsible truck ownership due to the dangerous alternative. Popping a tire on your route becomes a massive collision risk once you lose control of the vehicle. When you drive with worn tires, you risk damaging your own truck, public property, as well as posing a massive public safety risk. It’s important to be able to recognize when your tires have worn down too thin. Most semi-truck tires have clear indicators of this, known as “tread wear indicators,” and if they’re visible, it’s time to replace. They usually just look like flat bars running the width of the tire. A good standard to follow is to reassess every 100,000-150,000 miles or if you notice a cracking or bulging along the sidewalls of the tires.

Oil Changes

Oil changes are vastly important, and if you don’t keep up with it, you’ll start to see a plethora of problems with your engine. Oil changes clean out sludge and grime, and without them, your engine could overheat and cease its normal functions, leading to a much bigger bill. While your truck might have a light that comes on on your dash when it’s time, the best way to be sure of your oil situation is to regularly check your oil stick.

Radiator Maintenance

It’s important to check for leaks in your radiator and replace any fluids that appear to be running low. These efforts also aid in the prevention of an engine overheat. Engine care is especially important considering that it can be one of the most expensive repairs you’ll ever have as an owner-operator.

How Much Should You Save?

It can be difficult to judge how much money to put away from each paycheck towards a maintenance fund. These costs will differ dramatically depending on various factors. One of the most important factors is your own skillset. Doing the maintenance yourself will be a fraction of what it would cost you to go and have it done by a professional. If you’re not well versed in semi-truck maintenance, you’ll have to fork over significantly more dough, but the quality is the most important priority when it comes to taking care of you and your livelihood. Additionally, the type of truck that you have matters. Older trucks tend to have more expensive maintenance proceedings due to the rarity of their parts and the added wear and tear.

While there is no exact formula, there is a usual estimate based on miles driven that industry professionals recommend using. Usually saving between 5-10 cents per mile driven is a good idea, but if you’re finding that you have to save more than 15 cents per mile, it might be time to consider replacing your truck in favor of a more dependable option.

Staying Safe and Financially Secure

Breaking down due to poor maintenance can not only cause expensive repairs, it can majorly cut into productivity, as you have to stop your route and seek help. Sometimes you even have to forfeit your haul and therefore lose out on the pay from the entire trip, putting you behind on paychecks with the added stress of repair bills.

It can additionally be dangerous to not have a properly functioning semi, as many of these repairs are essential to having total control of the truck. It can be especially unsafe if you break down on a route and you’re in an unfamiliar place without immediate assistance. All of these factors are important to consider before getting a semi-truck, as these procedures are part of operating costs that will determine your overall profit and lifestyle. If you think you’re ready to take it all on, contact Mission Financial to get started with your semi-truck financing!


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