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Commercial Financing

truck owner

Financing Your Semi Truck As An Owner-Operator

truck owner
Semi-truck financing can be intimidating for first-time buyers. However, it’s a necessary path to take when starting an owner-operator trucking business.

To help you secure the right financing for your commercial vehicle, here’s everything you need to know about applying for semi-truck loans.

Financing Criteria for Semi Truck Owners

Owner financing semi trucks can only be done when owner-operators meet the proper criteria. Here are the key things owner-operators must focus on to achieve financing.

Credit Score Requirements for Commercial Truck Loans

Commercial truck loans often have specific credit score requirements that potential borrowers need to meet.

Lenders use credit scores as a measure of an individual’s creditworthiness. A good credit score significantly influences loan approval and interest rates. Most lenders prefer credit scores above 650 for commercial truck loans.

Higher credit scores usually lead to lower interest rates and better loan terms. Bad credit scores may result in higher interest rates or additional requirements like larger down payments.

Establishing Your Business: LLC or Corporation for Truck Ownership

Deciding on your business structure when owning a semi-truck is also crucial for owner-operator financing.

Truck owners typically opt for a sole proprietorship or a Limited Liability Company (LLC). An LLC separates personal assets from business liabilities, protecting the owner’s assets in case of business debts or lawsuits.

Sole proprietors have no separation between their business and personal assets. This means owner-operator trucking companies under this structure need to take out semi-truck financing under their personal name.

applying for finance
Valuing Experience: Essential for Both You and Your Seller

Experience in the trucking industry is highly valuable, not just for the truck owner but also in the eyes of sellers or lenders.

Lenders often consider a borrower’s industry experience as a factor in loan approval. In most cases, the longer you’ve held your commercial driver’s license, the easier it will be to get semi-truck financing.

Ensuring a Smooth Process: Preparing the Necessary Documents

You’ll need all the correct paperwork to apply for a semi-truck loan. Preparing this in advance will make the semi-truck financing process much easier to manage.

Here’s a breakdown of the typical kind of paperwork you’ll need for loans on commercial vehicles:

  • Personal Identification: Valid government-issued identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  • Business Documentation: If applicable, legal documents proving business existence, such as Articles of Incorporation, LLC Operating Agreement, or Partnership Agreement.
  • Financial Statements: Personal and business bank statements for the last six months.
  • Tax Returns: For the past two to three years ( personal and business).
  • Credit Information: Credit reports from major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion).
  • Truck Information: Details of the truck being purchased, including VIN, make, model, year, mileage, and purchase price.
  • Insurance Documentation: Proof of commercial truck insurance coverage.
  • Business Plan or Proposal: An outline of your business goals, operations, and how the truck purchase fits your business strategy.

buy or lease

Weighing Options: Comparing Semi-Truck Leasing and Purchasing

New owner-operators looking for semi-truck financing need to consider all of their options. This includes semi-truck leasing and purchasing.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the two.

Semi-Truck Leasing


  • Lower Initial Costs: Leasing often requires a smaller upfront payment than a truck purchase. If you need more working capital, this can be an attractive option.
  • Maintenance Benefits: Some leases include maintenance and repair costs.
  • Flexibility: Leasing allows for easy upgrades to newer models at the end of the lease term.
  • Tax Deductions: Lease payments might be tax-deductible as a business expense.


  • No Ownership: The big disadvantage is that you don’t own the truck at the end of the lease term.
  • Mileage Restrictions: Leases sometimes impose limitations on annual mileage, with penalties for exceeding the set limit.
  • Long-Term Cost: Over time, leasing may cost more than purchasing due to continuous payments without asset ownership.

Semi-Truck Purchasing


  • Ownership: You get full ownership rights and can use the truck as desired.
  • Equity and Asset: Owning the truck builds equity, allowing for potential resale or trade-in value.
  • No Mileage Restrictions: There are no limitations on mileage or usage, which gives you flexibility for your business needs.
  • Long-Term Cost Efficiency: While the initial costs are higher, purchasing can be more cost-effective over the long term.


  • Higher Initial Costs: Purchasing a truck requires a substantial upfront payment or a larger down payment.
  • Maintenance Responsibility: Owners bear the full cost of maintenance and repairs.
  • Depreciation: Trucks depreciate over time, which can affect resale value significantly.

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Exploring No Credit Check Commercial Truck Leasing

Traditional leasing or financing options can be challenging for those with a low credit score or limited credit history. However, no credit check commercial truck leasing does exist to help you secure financing for a new truck.

Approval of the financing is based more on income stability and the ability to make lease payments rather than credit scores. Lease terms may vary and be shorter, with options for ownership at the end of the period.

However, no credit check leases might come with higher interest rates or overall costs due to increased risk for the lessor.

The Benefits of Commercial Truck Financing

Whether you’re looking to purchase box trucks, dump trucks, or semi-trucks, you’ll need to get financing first. While this is intimidating, the right financing solution comes with its benefits.

  • Financing allows you to own the truck, building equity and potential for resale.
  • Interest payments and depreciation can be tax-deductible expenses.
  • You can improve cash flow management and spread the cost over time with fixed monthly payments.
  • Various financing plans with tailored terms and down payment choices exist, helping your trucking business find the most suitable option.
  • Financing lets you retain cash reserves for other business needs.
  • Timely payments can help you build a strong credit score for future financial opportunities.

Final Thoughts

Make sure that you weigh up your financing options carefully and choose the one that offers the most benefits for your situation.

If you’re looking for an easy solution for semi-truck financing, contact us at Mission Financial Services. Regardless of credit scores and history, we can help all truck drivers gain financing.



semi truck rental by owner

What To Look For In Semi Truck Rental Opportunities By Owner

semi truck rental by owner

Are you looking for semi-truck rental opportunities by owners? If you’re not quite ready to buy a semi-truck, renting one directly from an owner could be a great choice.

Semi truck rental by an owner is often cheaper than from an established rental business. Direct owner rentals could also include benefits like greater attention and support from the owner.

However, there is always risk involved in renting vehicles. This means you must consider a few crucial factors before entering any rental agreement.

Here are some of the most important things to look out for when considering semi truck rental opportunities offered by individual owners.

Factors to Watch Out For: Semi Truck Rental By Owner

Vehicle Condition

When you’re looking for trucks to rent from the owner, the first thing you’ll need to consider is the overall quality and condition of the vehicle.

Thoroughly inspect the semi truck’s condition, both visually and mechanically. Look for signs of wear and tear, proper maintenance, and overall cleanliness. Well-maintained trucks are less likely to experience an accident or breakdowns and delays during your rental period.

This means you’ll need to know how to look for bad shocks or damaged fuel filters. Even though you’re renting and not buying the semi-truck, driving a truck in poor condition can result in more significant issues later.

You’ll also want to ask about the truck’s fuel efficiency and average miles per gallon (MPG). Fuel-efficient trucks can save you money on long journeys.

Maintenance Records

A crucial part of understanding the truck’s condition is knowing how well looked after the semi-truck is.

Request maintenance and service records for the truck. A reliable owner will have a documented history of regular maintenance and repairs. This can give you confidence in the truck’s performance and reduce the risk of unexpected issues.

This is important when looking for semi-truck rental opportunities by owners, as the owner should have clear records of this. If the owner cannot show you the vehicle’s maintenance and service history, this could be a significant red flag that signals many potential issues you may face in the future.

Insurance and Liability

When looking for semi-truck rental opportunities by the owner, you’ll need to ensure the truck is adequately covered in case of an accident.

Ensure the truck is appropriately insured and the owner provides insurance coverage proof. Verify the insurance policy details to understand your responsibilities in case of accidents, damages, or other incidents.

It’s also important to know exactly what the insurance policy does and does not cover before you take the semi-truck onto the roads.

Rental Agreement

Now you have a good idea of the truck’s condition. If you’re happy with the semi-truck, it’s time to go through the rental agreement the owner offers.

Carefully review and understand all the details included in the rental agreement. This document should outline rental terms, rates, payment schedules, maintenance responsibilities, and any additional fees or charges.

If there is anything you need clarification on, clear it up before signing anything.

Rental Duration and Flexibility

Determine the rental period that best suits your needs. Some owners may offer flexible rental periods, which can be beneficial if your project timelines change.

Looking for a semi-truck rental opportunity by the owner can be a helpful way to start a trucking business. However, renting a truck is not as sustainable in the long run, so the rental agreement mustn’t tie you down too much. This could impact the future success of your business.

Cost and Fees

You’ll need to know what your rental agreement includes and what you must pay. The last thing you want is to rent a semi-truck only to discover a list of hidden fees when you start driving.

Compare rental rates with other truck owners to ensure you get a fair deal and competitive rates. Inquire about any hidden fees, such as mileage charges, late return fees, or maintenance costs, that may be your responsibility.

Owner Reputation and References

Researching the owner’s reputation within the industry is always a good idea. Ask for references from previous renters to gather feedback about their experiences and reliability.

While this can be tricky, it could be beneficial when uncovering information about the owner’s rental history.

Support and Assistance

One of the benefits of semi-truck rental opportunities by owners is that the owner may offer support while you rent the truck.

Ask about the owner’s availability for assistance during the rental period. A responsive owner who offers support for maintenance or technical issues can save you time and stress if any problems arise.

Cancellation Policy

Understand the owner’s cancellation policy if you need to end the rental arrangement earlier than planned. This will help you avoid any unnecessary financial issues.

Roadside Assistance

Roadside assistance can be a lifesaver for any semi-truck driver. Check if the owner provides roadside assistance or if you need to arrange for it separately. Knowing you have support in case of breakdowns or emergencies can give you peace of mind.

If the owner provides roadside assistance, understand what states and locations this is available. You’ll also need to understand what type of assistance is offered.


Ensure you have a transparent communication system in place with the semi-truck owner. Know how you’ll stay in touch with each other, and know how any issues or queries will be directed.

Precise and reliable communication is essential throughout the semi-truck rental period.


Finding the right semi-truck rental opportunities by owners can be ideal for starting or growing your business.

However, you’ll need to ensure the rental agreement and truck match your requirements.

If you’re looking to purchase a semi-truck, then get in touch with us at Mission Financial. We help all truck drivers access the financing they need to purchase their ideal vehicle – even if it’s an older model.

truck fleet

Renew Your Commercial Vehicle Insurance With These Steps

truck fleet
One of the most essential parts of operating a trucking business is ensuring you have the right commercial vehicle insurance coverage. This means you’ll often have to renew commercial vehicle insurance policies – a process that could require multiple steps.

Renewing your commercial vehicle insurance ensures your business is properly protected on the road. When doing this, there’s a detailed process you should follow.

Here’s a breakdown of how to successfully renew your commercial vehicle insurance policy.

Review Your Policy

Before you renew commercial vehicle insurance, you’ll want to ensure you understand your existing policy.

Take the time to go through your current commercial auto insurance policy. Understand the coverage it provides, the premiums you’re paying, and any deductibles. This will help you assess if the policy still meets your business needs.

Understanding your commercial vehicle insurance policy will also help you establish what areas you have been missing that you want to look for in a new policy.

Shop Around For Commercial Vehicle Insurance

While you can renew with your current insurer, it’s also an excellent opportunity to shop around for better rates and coverage options. Before choosing a commercial vehicle insurance policy that best matches your needs, you’ll need to know what’s out there.

Contact multiple insurance providers and get quotes to compare. This might help you find a more cost-effective policy that suits your requirements. The more commercial vehicle insurance companies you reach out to and investigate, the better you’ll understand the pros and cons of each policy.

save on insurance

Gather Your Commercial Vehicle Information

Before renewing commercial vehicle insurance, you must ensure your business and vehicle information is ready. Gather all necessary documents early on in your commercial vehicle insurance journey. Finding and applying for the right policy will be a far easier process.

Prepare all the necessary information about your business and vehicles. This could include vehicle details, driver information, business registration, and commercial vehicle insurance claim history.

Assess Your Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy Needs

Your trucking business needs might have changed since you last dealt with an insurance company.
You may have acquired new vehicles, expanded your operations, or made significant changes. Whatever the case, your commercial vehicle insurance coverage needs differ.

So, understand what your commercial vehicle insurance policy needs to include. Beyond covering your vehicle, you could also look for other insurance requirements, like third-party liability, personal accident cover, mechanical or electrical breakdown coverage, financial protection, and more.

Decide On Your Coverage

Based on your commercial vehicle insurance assessment, decide if you need to change your coverage.
You can adjust your policy to include additional coverage options like collision, comprehensive, liability, and more. Make sure the insurance policy aligns with your business risks.

Of course, you’ll also want to consider the commercial auto insurance cost and ensure the insurance provider covers enough insured declared value in their policy. Sometimes, cheap semi-truck insurance isn’t worth the lack of coverage.

piggy bank saving

Look For Discounts

There’s a good chance that each insurance company you deal with offers a discount. Your commercial vehicle insurance policy could reward you for good driving records, vehicle safety features, bundling multiple policies, or being a loyal customer.

Ask the insurance company you’re interested in about possible discounts. This could help you with the commercial auto insurance cost.

Get In Touch With Your Current Insurer

If you stick with your current insurer, contact them well before your policy expires. This will give you enough time for any necessary paperwork and adjustments.

If you use a new commercial vehicle insurance company, contacting your existing provider is still a good idea. You must follow all the correct steps when ending your policy with them.

Provide Updated Information

This applies if you renew your commercial vehicle insurance policy with the same insurance provider.

If there have been any changes in your business, vehicles, or drivers, inform your insurance provider. This makes sure you have accurate coverage and premium calculations. If the details are wrong on your commercial vehicle insurance premium, claiming your insured vehicle could get messy.

ask questions

Carefully Review The Renewal Offer

When you get the renewal offer, carefully review the details.

Check for any changes in coverage, premiums, deductibles, and insurance policy terms. Make sure that every detail in your commercial vehicle insurance policy aligns with your expectations.

Ask Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the renewal offer, don’t hesitate to ask your insurance company or agent. It’s essential to understand the commercial vehicle policy you’re renewing clearly.

The better you understand your commercial vehicle insurance, the more value you could get from your policy.

Make Payment On Time

Pay by the specified due date if you’re happy with the renewal offer. This ensures your commercial vehicle insurance policy coverage continues without any gaps.

The last thing you want is to drive commercial vehicles without any commercial vehicle insurance plans or coverage.

Keep Proof Of Your Insurance

After renewing your policy, keep a copy of your new insurance policy and proof of coverage in your commercial vehicles. This is essential for any legal or regulatory requirements. It will also make any commercial vehicle claim process easier to handle.


Whether you renew your commercial vehicle insurance online or through a representative, following the right steps will help ensure you have the right policy and coverage for your business needs. Taking the time to do this carefully can save your business money while offering greater commercial vehicle insurance coverage.

If you’re looking to purchase a new commercial vehicle, then get in touch with us at Mission Financial. We can help all kinds of truck drivers gain financing for practically any kind of new and used commercial vehicles.

What State Has The Cheapest Commercial Truck Insurance 2023

What State Has The Cheapest Commercial Truck Insurance 2023

We went digging to figure out what state has the cheapest commercial truck insurance in 2023 and noticed a few things:

Each state sets its minimum commercial truck insurance law requirements based on different factors affecting the insurance rates offered per state.

Insurance providers use different criteria to determine their truck insurance premiums. But there are a few steps you can take to find an insurance provider with the cheapest commercial truck insurance rates.

Read on for our findings on the state with the most affordable truck insurance. We’ll also share how to find cheap truck insurance to help you save money.

What State Has The Cheapest Commercial Truck Insurance

From our findings, the state with the cheapest commercial truck insurance is Mississippi.
In Mississippi, commercial truck insurance costs about $3,552 per year for local commercial truck drivers or owner-operators. If you operate across states, Mississippi’s average insurance cost increases to nearly $4,664 per year.

Still, it’s cheaper than in other states. Local trucking entrepreneurs in California pay around $11,834 per year, while interstate owner-operators pay approximately $14,041.

Meaning local and interstate owner-operators in Mississippi save about $8282 and $9377 in premium costs per year, respectively, compared to their counterparts in California.

This shows you can save tens of thousands of dollars in insurance premium costs by operating from states with affordable insurance costs.

Here is a summary of the top 5 states with the cheapest commercial truck insurance rates and the most expensive states for you to see the cost difference.

Top 5 States With The Cheapest Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

1. Mississippi

Average local truck insurance rates: $3, 552
Average national truck insurance rates: $4,664

2. Wyoming

Average local truck insurance rates: $4.927
Average national truck insurance rates: $7,149

3. Massachusetts

Average local truck insurance: $5,447
Average national truck insurance rates: $17,017

4. Iowa

Average local truck insurance: $5,615
Average national truck insurance rates: $8,866

5. Arizona

Average local truck insurance: $6,102
Average national truck insurance rates: $11,797

Top 5 States with the Most Expensive Commercial Truck Insurance Costs

1. New Jersey

Average local truck insurance rates: $20,763
Average national truck insurance rates: $20,255

2. Louisiana

Average local truck insurance rates: $19,736
Average national truck insurance rates: $23,453

3. Delaware

Average local truck insurance rates: $17,351
Average national truck insurance rates: $19,670

4. New York

Average local truck insurance rates: $16,949
Average national truck insurance rates: $17,585

5. Connecticut

Average local truck insurance rates: $16,946
Average national truck insurance rates: $17,004

From these comparisons, you can quickly tell the states to avoid, especially if you’re a new commercial truck driver looking to start your trucking business. Remember that these are the average insurance costs.

In Mississippi, the top state with the lowest insurance rates, the amount you’ll pay depends on two major factors:

  • State minimum requirements
  • How much coverage you get

What are the State Requirements of Commercial Truck Insurance in Mississippi?

Mississippi state law requires owner-operators to get minimum liability insurance premiums based on the type of freight they carry and where they carry it.

For example, owner-operators working within the state, that carry household goods must have a minimum of $300,000 commercial trucking insurance. While there is a $1,000,000 minimum for oil transport.

The requirements might be more extensive if you’re an owner-operator working interstate. You’ll have to meet the above and comply with other commercial auto insurance requirements by the federal government.

Check out the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)’s insurance policy requirements for commercial trucks to understand which commercial truck insurance applies to you.

Mississippi State Minimums Amounts Payable by Insurers

Mississippi state law sets the minimum amount insurance companies must pay as compensation when trucking accidents occur. All auto insurance policies in the state must have a 25/50/25 minimum liability coverage limit. This means paying a minimum of:

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability for each person injured during trucking accidents involving your commercial trucks
  • $50,000 in bodily injury liability per trucking accident, and
  • $25,000 property damage liability

For adequate protection, it’s advisable to go for an insurance policy with higher coverage limits. Also, consider going for different types of truck insurance coverage suitable to your trucking business to cushion yourself from various costly claims.

What Insurance Coverage Options Does Mississippi Offer?

Primary Liability Insurance Coverage

Primary liability coverage is the most basic commercial trucking insurance required by all federal and state laws. It combines two different types of commercial trucking insurance into one – property damage liability and bodily injury liability.

Physical Damage Insurance

Physical damage insurance is comprehensive. It includes collision coverage, which pays for commercial truck repairs in case of collision damage, and coverage for damages from other incidents, such as vandalism. It’s essential liability insurance to have, although it’s not legally required, like primary liability coverage.

Non-trucking Liability Coverage

Non-trucking liability coverage protects your commercial truck if it causes injuries or damages property when out on personal or non-work-related errands. It’s different from personal auto insurance, which is insurance coverage for personal or non-commercial vehicles.

Cargo Insurance

Cargo insurance coverage compensates when the goods you haul get lost or damaged in transit. FMCSA does not require a motor carrier to have this type of semi-truck insurance. However, most for-hire interstate commercial trucking companies require autonomous truck drivers to purchase cargo insurance before hiring trucks.

Overall, each commercial trucking insurance option comes with its cost, and how much coverage you choose affects your total insurance cost. A trucker who gets a commercial truck insurance policy offering primary liability coverage will pay less than another who chooses more coverage options.

How To Find Cheap Truck Insurance

It’s unlikely that two trucking companies will pay the exact insurance costs even if they both operate in the same state and choose the same coverage options.

Different insurance companies consider various factors when setting their rates. A trucking business with high credit scores and experienced drivers with clean driving records will qualify for cheap trucking insurance from multiple insurance companies. In contrast, a similar trucking business with inexperienced truck drivers and low credit won’t.

To find cheap truck insurance, compare quotes from different insurance companies. Get help from a licensed insurance agent. Qualified insurance agents can help you identify the best insurance providers following your business needs and the type of contracts you plan to get.

Most licensed insurance agents are also aware of ongoing offers and discounts and can help you get the lowest insurance costs possible.

You can find the best commercial truck insurance agents close to you by doing a quick Google search and typing in your state and city. You’ll get a list of recommendations to start with. Ensure you read reviews of insurance agents that stand out to settle on the best one.


Commercial truck insurance takes different forms in different states, but if too costly it might affect your profit margins.

We’ve answered the question: What state has the cheapest commercial truck insurance? We’ve also shown you how to find the most affordable trucking insurance provider.

But remember, the cheapest state may not always be the best state for truckers. There’s a difference between the two. To learn more about this, head over to the Mission Financial Services blog.

Semi-Truck For Sale By Owner

All You Need To Know About Semi-Truck For Sale By Owner

Semi-Truck For Sale By Owner

Buying a used semi-truck is like gambling.

You can gain great fortune if you get a clean deal and buy a good model that will serve you for years. But it’s also possible to fall on the other end of the spectrum and incur losses.

Here’s the thing, though, you can increase your chances of getting a good deal by purchasing a semi-truck being sold by its owner. Below, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of choosing this option.

We’ll also discuss what you need to do to avoid losing money when buying semi-trucks that are on sale by the owner.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Buying A Semi-Truck For Sale By Owner

Generally, you have two options for purchasing used semi-trucks for sale by owner:

  • Buying directly from another trucker
  • Buying from a fleet owner looking to upgrade their fleet of semi-trucks to the latest models

Here are the advantages and downsides of both:


When buying a semi-truck from its owner, you can build a good relationship with the seller and get all the information you require about the truck. This is especially true if you’re buying the truck from another trucker.

Truckers have enough experience driving the specific semi-truck. They can provide first-hand information on how the truck works on the road. It’s easy to find out if the truck has any issues and decide whether you’ll work with it this way.

Fleet owners, on the other hand, might not have driven the truck you’re looking to buy. But they can give their view of the model from their experience as a fleet operator and connect you with the driver upon request.

Another advantage of buying semi-trucks for sale by their owners is the flexibility of the purchase process. You’ll have the owner’s contact information, including their phone and email. With this, you can contact them anytime to request more details about the truck, including up-to-date proof of features.

You may request real-time videos of a semi-truck on a listing to examine its current condition. You could also ask for a video of a specific part of a vehicle for further scrutiny.

It’s also beneficial to purchase semi-trucks for sale by owners due to their price. They’re less expensive than semi-trucks from dealerships, although the makes and models may be similar.

That’s because owners can sell the latest models from top manufacturers, like Freightliner, International, Peterbilt, and Kenworth, at low prices and still make a good profit. They don’t have salespeople or other overhead costs to consider, like dealerships.

For example, you can purchase a used 2020 Freightliner Cascadia for about $49,500 from a private seller in Texas. Dealerships in the same location may sell the same model for around $79,995.


The main disadvantage of purchasing semi-trucks for sale by owner is financing. Most private sellers don’t offer any financing options to help you make your purchase. It’s different from getting your truck from dealerships or other traders.

Some dealerships partner with financing companies, like Mission Financial Services, to offer financial support in the form of loans to customers. Others can work out a payment plan based on your financial situation to help you buy your truck without breaking the bank.

Another drawback of getting used trucks from private owners is the number of options available. Dealerships provide more options than private sellers because of their wide selection of semi-trucks.

Still, you must research thoroughly to get the best used truck for your needs. To do this, there are a few steps to take and things to look out for.

What To Do When Purchasing A Semi-Truck On Sale By Owner

Evaluate Your Needs

First, assess your needs to identify the type of truck you require. Single out the specs the truck must have to perform the type of job you’re looking to do.

What type of trailers are you hauling, and what type of engine and transmission do you require to operate efficiently? Doing this is crucial because getting an underpowered truck for hauling heavy loads can be an expensive mistake.

Also, consider your budget. Understand your finances and determine how much you can comfortably spend on the truck.

Check Documentation

Ensure the truck owner you’re buying from has proper registration and proof of ownership documentation. Also, check the truck’s service history. You can request copies of the vehicle’s maintenance records to confirm if it has been maintained as it should.

Inspect The Vehicle

Carry out a thorough vehicle inspection to check if everything is in order. Specifically, look at the truck’s odometer reading to confirm its mileage.

Progressive Commercial Truck Insurance

If it has over 500,000 miles on it, you might have to replace the engine soon, and this is something you should consider. Engine repairs, including complete overhauls, are expensive.

Replacing a Kenworth engine, for instance, might cost between $20,000 and $40,000. If you don’t factor this in during purchase, you’ll spend more than planned.

Also, examine the truck’s interior and exterior features. Look for any signs of wear and tear on the interior. These could be rust in the areas surrounding the door handles or torn fabric and cushions.

On the outside, look at the tires to confirm if they’re still in good condition. You want to ensure all tires have enough tread and there are no bald spots or cracks. Investigate the bottom of the semi-truck for any dents or rust spots and check the paint to ensure it’s not peeling or cracked.

You may also want to listen to the truck’s engine and transmission for any sounds that point to damage.

All these signs might indicate the need for repairs and can help you determine the truck’s actual value.

Overall, we recommend getting your mechanic to help with the inspection process. They can accurately analyze the health and reliability of the truck’s features, including the engine, transmission, and tires. Your mechanic can also advise you whether the deal is worth it based on their professional view.


You can find decent used semi-trucks on popular online traders and listing websites like eBay. But be thorough with your research to ensure you get a used truck that can serve you almost as well as a new one.

Remember to ask as many questions as possible to get all the details you need to make an informed decision. If you do this and notice the seller is dodging or withholding certain information, stop the process and walk away from the deal.

If you want to buy a semi-truck and are looking for a lending institution to finance your purchase, contact us. We offer direct and dealership lending options for seasoned and first-time buyers of commercial trucks.


semi truck accident

What to Do After a Semi Truck Accident

semi truck accident

There’s a lot of risk involved in running a semi-truck business. Of course, one of the main risks is ending up in a semi-truck accident.

Experiencing a truck accident can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the accident, you could face all kinds of issues – such as damage to your vehicle, injuries, and a pause in your business operations. This is why it’s so important to know exactly what to do after experiencing an accident.

Even though you may be shaken up, following the right step after a semi-truck accident is essential. Doing so will help you with your well-being, as well as any potential legal claims you might make.

So if you experience a semi-truck accident of any scale, be sure to follow the steps below.

After a Semi Truck Accident: Top Steps

Focus On Safety

The first and most important step after a semi-truck accident is to make sure that everyone involved in the accident is safe. Assess your condition and check up on the condition of anyone else involved in the accident. Passenger vehicles should first check that everyone in the vehicle is safe, and make note of any serious and minor injuries.

If possible, move the semi-truck to a safe location away from traffic for public safety. Make sure to turn on your hazard lights to alert any other drivers of the accident.

If you are injured or unable to move, try to remain still until help arrives. The same applies to any passengers that might be in the semi-truck. If you need to tend to any serious injuries, try to first get guidance from emergency services over the phone.

Contact Emergency Services

Call emergency services immediately to report the accident and request medical assistance if anyone involved in the accident needs it. The police will also arrive at the scene to document the incident and prepare an accident report, which is important for insurance purposes.

You may also need to arrange for a tow truck to come to clear the accident scene. Of course, semi-truck crashes involve large vehicles, so you may need a special commercial truck towing service.

Gather the Right Information

As soon as everything is safe at the scene of the accident, the next step is to gather all of the necessary information about the accident. This is important for reporting semi-truck accidents and making sure you have all of the facts for doing this.

Collect information from all parties involved in the accident, including the semi-truck driver, witnesses, and passengers. If another commercial vehicle is involved in the crash, take down the details of the trucking company too.

Gather everyone’s names, contact details, driver’s license numbers, insurance information, and license plate numbers. While this may seem like a hassle straight after a semi-truck accident, having this information available is essential.

Document the Accident Scene

The next critical step in dealing with a semi-truck accident is making sure that you gather enough physical evidence about the crash. You’ll need this when reporting the accident and filing any insurance claims.

Use your phone to take pictures and videos of the accident scene. Capture the position of vehicles, damages sustained, skid marks, traffic signs, and any visible injuries. Having these visual records of the accident will make it a lot easier to file any claims and proceed with the legal aftermath of the accident.

When gathering this information, you’ll also need to make sure that you get the story straight for how the accident took place and which party was at fault. Ensure the evidence you gather can clearly depict this.

Notify Your Insurance Company

After commercial trucks have an accident, things can get expensive very quickly. The first thing you’ll want to do once the accident is cleared is notify our insurance company.

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with accurate details of the incident and share the evidence you have gathered. By filing a claim quickly, you’ll have a far smoother claims process. Gaining compensation for any damages or injuries will also be a lot quicker.

Seek Medical Attention

You might not think you’re injured, but if you’ve been in a semi-truck accident it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.

Some injuries get worse over time, without showing full effect immediately. By going for a proper medical examination, you’ll detect any underlying issues which means you can treat them quickly.

Consult With a Lawyer

This isn’t always an absolutely necessary step, but consulting with an attorney certainly has its advantages after a semi-truck accident.

Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in semi-truck accidents is ideal. They will evaluate your case, protect your rights, and guide you through the legal process. An attorney will handle negotiations with insurance companies, gather evidence, and represent your best interests if litigation becomes necessary.

While you don’t always need a lawyer after an accident, you will want to work with one after a complicated incident.

Preserve Your Evidence

If there is a case and you need to work with a lawyer, then make sure you have all of your supporting evidence stored safely.

Preserve all evidence related to the accident, including medical records, accident reports, photographs, and witness statements. This evidence will be vital for supporting your insurance claim or potential lawsuit, should you pursue legal action against the responsible party.

Understand Your Legal Rights

On the topic of lawsuits and attorneys, it’s vital that you understand your legal rights after an accident. Know what you can and cannot do, and familiarize yourself with the specific laws surrounding semi-truck accidents in your jurisdiction.

Each state may have different regulations and statutes of limitations. Understanding your rights empowers you to make informed decisions regarding insurance claims and legal actions. Having enough legal knowledge also means you can proceed with the case faster and more efficiently.

File an Insurance Claim

Now you’ve got legal help, evidence of the semi-truck accident, and you’ve been in touch with your insurance company. The next step is to file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Provide them with all relevant information and evidence to support your claim. The more support documents you have, the better.

Insurance companies can be difficult to work with – especially in cases where large commercial semi-trucks are involved. This is why having good legal representation is so useful.

Negotiate a Settlement

A key part of the claims process is negotiating a settlement. If you work with an attorney, then they will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Try to reach a fair settlement that compensates you for property damages, medical expenses, and possibly lost wages. Of course, the settlement you reach will depend on the specifics of the accident and the commercial insurance company.

If you cannot reach a suitable agreement with the insurance company, then you may need to pursue a lawsuit. This is not ideal, but can be worthwhile depending on the accident.

Consider Legal Action

This isn’t always the case, but there are certain accidents where filing a lawsuit is necessary. You would do this to seek full compensation (which the insurance company isn’t offering) and to protect all of your rights.

If you do decide to take legal action, your attorney will guide you through the entire litigation process. They will represent your interests in court and work to get you the compensation you desire.

While filing a lawsuit can be very worthwhile, it really just depends on the specifics of your case. Each case is different, with some more suitable for lawsuits than others.

Complete Your Semi-Truck Repairs

There are plenty of legal challenges you have to face when dealing with a semi-truck accident. Despite all of this, you’ll still need to get your truck back on the road and your business back in operation as soon as possible. This will likely involve following through with semi-truck repairs.

You may need to rake out a semi-truck repair loan in order to do this if you are still waiting on the insurance settlement. In some cases, you may even need to replace the entire semi-truck completely. Knowing how to buy a semi-truck and find the right semi-truck financing is important here.

The sooner you get your truck repaired, the faster you can get past the accident and back on the road.


Experiencing a semi-truck accident can be an incredibly difficult event. However, following the right steps and knowing what to do after the accident will make the whole process a lot easier to manage. By taking the right steps efficiently, you’ll be able to get past the accident faster and more positively.

If you find yourself needing to purchase a new semi-truck after experiencing an accident, then it’s also important to understand what semi-truck financing options you have available. Get in touch with us at Mission Financial, where we can help any truck driver secure financing for the commercial vehicle of their dreams.


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