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The National Driver Shortage: Finding the Fix

According to industry experts, the United States trucking industry has been experiencing a massive driver shortage. The shortage is causing ripple effects and creating consequences for suppliers, carriers, and drivers alike. While the situation has worsened in recent years, it’s only expected to decline in the near future with the lack of incentives for drivers. Additionally, the demand for services is growing quickly with the increasing population and product demand. While the industry is growing, driver employment just can’t keep up. While this is good for trucking job prospects, the demand has created a busier schedule for individual drivers who are picking up the current slack. The American Trucking Association has said, “if conditions don’t change substantively, our industry could be short just over 100,000 drivers in five years and 160,000 drivers by 2028.”

Replacing retiring drivers and keeping up with economic growth requires the industry to hire about 110,000 workers per year, but many companies are struggling to do so. So what’s the fix? Here’s what you need to about the current national driver shortage.

Where Did the Shortage Come From?

More freight services are needed to account for product demand in the ever-growing U.S. economy. A substantial portion of this demand comes from the sharp increase in delivered products from online commerce, which has absolutely skyrocketed in the past decade. Additionally, the complex political situation concerning trade between the United States and China has increased the demand for American freight.

One of the biggest threats to the current driver workforce is simply age. Drivers are retiring at rates that are not balanced out by the rates of new recruits, shrinking the pool of candidates. Also, there is heavy competition from other blue-collar fields such as construction and plumbing that have similar pay ceilings and benefits without excessive traveling and time away from home. Many eligible candidates for trucking positions gravitate towards these other options, especially if they have families that they don’t want to be away from for long periods of time.

How Companies Can Help Fix it

There are many things that companies can do to get more drivers on their team. Some have tried to sweeten the pot by offering incentives and focusing on recruiting a lasting workforce. Here are some of the ways that companies can ease the burden of the driver shortages.

Improving Work-Life Balance

Companies should offer a better work-life balance for their employees. Truckers often work long and tiring hours, all while spending time away from home, and this can be unappealing to people outside of the industry thinking about jumping in. If companies encouraged more manageable hours, people might be less hesitant to accept the job. Additionally, providing extra days off between trips would allow drivers to achieve a more well-rounded routine. If companies could guarantee that there would be a good work-life balance, new drivers would be more likely to get involved, and this could help establish a lasting pool of drivers.

Encouraging More Women

The industry is missing out on a large potential workforce by not trying harder to appeal to female drivers. Less than 7% of semi-truck drivers are female, a staggeringly small percentage. Making more of an effort to get women into the industry could potentially double the workforce.

Additionally, while the trucking industry has drastically raised its percentages of minority drivers in the past decade, continuing this process will aid the crisis even more. Reaching out to all demographics will lead to a larger supply of qualified workers.

Recruiting Veterans

Recruiting more veterans can revolutionize the trucking industry. It eases their transition into civilian life and they likely already have experience with similar machinery from their served time. Many companies are formulating plans for programs that provide Commercial Drivers Licenses (CDL) for veterans with similar military-based licenses.

Persuading Younger Drivers

Another basis for training programs is getting younger recruits to serve in the workforce for decades to come. The average age for a commercial truck driver is 46, whereas the average age for other blue-collar professions is 37. Attracting more young drivers into the industry can help offset the progressing retirement rate, as long as these drivers can be convinced to stay in their careers. Fortunately, there are many incentives for entry-level employees to join the workforce, such as competitive salaries, job security, minimal accreditation, and all of the advancements in autonomous technology.

Get into the Industry Today

Now is a good time to enter the transportation and trucking industry considering the high demand and low supply. Getting into the industry young and qualified can set you up for a lifetime of stability, as the industry is only expected to grow in the coming years. If you’re interested in getting started and need help with financing, check out Mission Financial to jumpstart your future career as a semi-truck driver!

Retailers Respond to Amazon’s Next-Day Shipping


Commerce giant Amazon is no stranger to disrupting industries. From its early years of disrupting the book retail industry by making new and used books more accessible than ever, to changing the way people grocery shop with its purchase of Whole Foods, Amazon has challenged other businesses to keep up with the so-called Amazon Effect.

Now, Amazon is aiming to disrupt the shipping industry by changing their two-day shipping program into a ubiquitous, one-day shipping model across the U.S. It is now up to other businesses to adjust under the added pressure to keep up with Amazon and the heightened expectations of consumers. This change also has the potential to disrupt the trucking industry as faster turnaround will be in high demand.

Amazon Announces Next Day Shipping  

In April of 2019, Amazon made the announcement that one-day shipping would soon replace two-day shipping as the norm from Amazon Prime customers across the country. Previously, one-day shipping was reserved for specific areas, primarily those in large, metropolitan cities. Amazon also stated that they are expecting to invest $800 million during the second quarter this year to create the delivery infrastructures and warehouses necessary to make one-day shipping possible everywhere.

Amazon already has 100 million Prime members across the U.S. who pay $119 per year to receive free shipping and one-to-two-day shipping on goods including clothes, books, home supplies, dry goods, and even groceries in select areas. That means that Prime is already in 50 percent of U.S. households. With one-day shipping expanding to all areas of the country, more people than ever will be able to enjoy their orders arriving on their doorsteps in less than 24 hours. Additionally, Amazon can expect their member pool to grow exponentially. While this sounds like great news for Amazon and its members, these changes are leaving retailers needing big changes to retain their customer base.

Retailers Respond to Amazon Next-Day Shipping

Soon after Amazon’s next-day shipping announcement, Walmart alluded to their own one-day shipping plan in a short tweet:

 “One-day free shipping…without a membership fee. Now THAT would be groundbreaking. Stay tuned.”

This tweet not only stated that Walmart had plans to mimic Amazon’s one-day shipping model, but they have also hinted at their plans to offer this service without the membership fee Amazon requires.

In May of 2019, Walmart came through on their promise and announced their plans to release one-day shipping across the country. They stated that they will begin next-day shipping in Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Southern California, then expand the service to 75 percent of the U.S. by the end of 2019. Since Amazon has not released a set date for their next-day shipping expansion, there is a chance Walmart may beat Amazon to certain areas of the country. This could cause some consumers to be less interested in an Amazon Prime membership, since there is already a similar service for free.

Walmart is not the only retailer to quickly respond to Amazon’s new supply chain model. Home Depot has also announced its plan to offer next-day delivery for up to 50 percent of the U.S. population by the middle of 2019. Its CEO also stated the company is already offering this service to 36 percent of the population.

Over the years, Target has taken steps to keep up with Amazon’s ever-changing shipping services. In March of 2018, Target began offering free two-day shipping to all of its credit card holders. It also offers this service to other customers on orders over $35 dollars. Target also acquired the shipping company Shipt to allow customers to enjoy same-day delivery in larger cities. Target also offers a variety of services to make shopping easier for customers, including its Drive Up or Pick Up services provided at 8,500 brick-and-mortar stores.  To date, Target has not announced any new tactics to compete with Amazon, but simply reminded consumers in a statement about the services they already offer.

How Will Same-Day Shipping Affect the Trucking Industry?

Just like big box retailers must rethink their business models to keep pace with Amazon, the trucking industry must innovate to meet the demand of nationwide same-day shipping. For example, as retail analysts have opened, it may be in the interests of big box retailers like Home Depot and Walmart to combine one-day shipping volumes to provide faster logistics at lower cost. The trucking industry may need to develop new programs and services to help retailers maximize their logistics speed and timing to compete with Amazon’s logistics capabilities. Truckers will need to act as trusted advisors to recommend to shippers the program or service that best meets their needs.

The new, higher demand for fast shipping will cause some growing pains for multiple industries. However, it equates to high job security for truckers and potentially more demand for qualified drivers, freight owners, and logistics managers. That means now is a great time to invest in your business or truck. And for all your commercial financing needs, trust the experts at Mission Financial Services. Apply today and get approved for a semi-truck loan in no time.

How the IoT Increases Visibility of Assets Throughout the Supply Chain

Trucking: A Supply Chain Workhorse


What image comes to mind when almost anyone thinks about moving palettes of product from a manufacturer to a distribution center or to a store for purchase? Trucks, and rightly so. The American Trucking Association reported that trucks moved 70.2 percent of all domestic freight tonnage in the United States. It took 3.6 million heavy-duty Class 8 trucks moving 10.5 billion tons of freight and burning 39 billion tons of diesel fuel to accomplish that feat.

Clearly, the trucking industry is a huge part of the supply chain. That’s quite a load of trucks, drivers, and freight to manage. How in the world can anyone or any company manage all of their drivers and trucks, not to mention all the freight they move? Can a company know all their trucks’ locations at any point on their routes in real time? Is a truck’s tire or engine about to fail while on its route, possibly impacting delivery time? Could anyone have foreseen that truck’s issues and taken it out of service for repair? If a company has multiple drivers delivering to a company, how can it know they are all taking the most economical and timely route or perhaps a route that can damage trailer contents? Is the environment in each trailer suitable for the type of freight it’s carrying? Are your drivers driving as safely as they could or should?

Attorneys say you should never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer; all these questions have answers that may surprise you. Briefly, the answer to all these questions is yes. Let’s explore a little.

What is The Internet of Things?

Almost everyone has an idea of what the Internet is. It began as a network of hardware and software technologies that allowed computers to connect to it and talk to each other so people in government, scientific, and academic circles could find information and share it with each other.

Now all kinds of devices connect and communicate through the Internet – smart TVs, smartphones, vending machines, refrigerators, and more recently, small devices called sensors. Hence the name The Internet of Things, or IoT for short. The Internet of Everything Under the Sun doesn’t quite have the same ring and the acronym is even worse.

Sensors communicate among themselves, meaning they send information to and from one another and with an asset tracking system or fleet management system (depending upon the type of asset you’re managing), all in real time, to help businesses solve many types of difficult business problems and save significant money that otherwise would have been lost.

Profound Benefits of IoT to the Supply Chain

The IoT will impact the supply chain in ways never seen before, creating sweeping revenue opportunities and operational efficiencies heretofore unseen. Asset tracking, vendor relations, forecasting and inventory, connected fleets, and maintenance are all areas within supply chain management that will see unprecedented boons. Here are some examples of the use of and the benefits from the IoT:

1. Asset Tracking and Supply Chain Visibility

A case study by Sierra Wireless discusses how one of their customers, Tive, helped a washing machine manufacturer identify and resolve washing machine damage that occurred during shipping by employing IoT asset tracking to improve supply chain visibility.

In another example, real time asset tracking saved $1.5 million of medication from ruin because trackers placed inside the shipping container alerted the pharmaceutical company that the container temperature was too low. The pharmaceutical company immediately was able to reach someone at the port where the container was and fix the temperature issue.

2. Proactive and Preventive Maintenance

Who hasn’t seen a fleet truck stopped on a highway shoulder with its cab up and the driver trying to determine what needs repair? In the meantime, the scheduled delivery time looks less likely by the minute.

That situation never would have occurred had the fleet owner installed sensors that talked to a fleet management system. The sensors would have alerted the fleet management system about the problem before the truck was even loaded with its freight. The system would have taken the truck out of service and scheduled it for repair for whatever component the sensor indicated was about to malfunction or was malfunctioning. Additionally, the fleet management system would only schedule a technician certified to work on that make and model of truck; problem solved even before it began.

Think of the headaches the IoT averted in that hypothetical scenario:

  • A truck destined to break down was not dispatched.
  • Towing fees were avoided.
  • The driver was able to do what he did best – be productive driving and not be sidelined on a shoulder somewhere.
  • Foreknowledge about a defective truck avoided a late delivery, keeping original delivery time commitments intact.
  • The truck technician could repair the truck faster because the truck sensor identified the problem, saving diagnosis time, and scheduled the right person to do the work.

3. Platooning

Platooning, which groups trucks on a journey, employs artificial intelligence and other IoT technologies to allow legal, digital tailgating among a fleet of trucks. It can improve truck safety using technology already available on trucks – lane-keep assist, adaptive cruise control, and air brakes. It also promises to reduce fuel consumption from 5-20 percent by meticulously and automatically managing the distances among fleets of trucks through wireless communication among sensors, allowing trucks to take advantage of an aerodynamic effect, known as drafting.

Platooning also improves road capacity and road safety. Because of the near instantaneous communication of these state-of-the-art driving support systems, trucks simultaneously can accelerate or brake, which supports better traffic flow. They also can follow each other more closely because platooned trucks react orders of magnitude faster than human drivers. They don’t require the same amount of distance between them to compensate for the slower reaction time.

Looking Forward and Forward-Looking

These are incredibly exciting times in the transportation industry with many positive changes in the near future. With change comes opportunity and all of us at Mission Financial Services look forward to helping you take advantage of those opportunities. Contact us today to get started with your commercial vehicle loan.

Could The Trucking Shortage Be Raising The Price Of Groceries?


Prices on consumer goods are on the rise for a variety of reasons. From new tariffs against China upping prices on technology, tires and other imported items, to inflation, there are many reasons we may be seeing higher prices on the things we buy every day. But could the trucking shortage also be a contributing factor? Especially when it comes to the rising prices of groceries, there is reason to believe the deficit of truckers could be directly related.

Grocery Prices on the Rise

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food prices will increase by 1-2 percent in 2019. This was a common trend for many decades; however, the rise of food prices has slowed over the past few years. Now, these prices are back on the rise, with notably higher prices on groceries of all kinds.

The price of dairy products is projected to increase by 3-4 percent, vegetable costs will rise 2.5-3.5 percent, and both bakery and fruit prices will increase by 2-3 percent. As for meat, all costs are expected to rise by from 1-3 percent, with the exception of pork, which could actually drop in price by .75 percent.

What is Causing this Raise in Prices?

The rise is grocery prices could be due to a number of factors. From oil prices to overseas trade, a variety of things can spark a cost increase at the grocery store.

High Oil Prices

Oil prices can affect grocery store prices in two different ways. High oil prices often lead to increased shipping costs, which results in higher grocery prices. Because of the higher oil prices, food that gets transported across long distances costs more to ship, so grocery stores have to charge their customers more. Oil prices are constantly in flux and are influenced by several complex factors of their own.

Oil can also affect farming, which can make groceries more expensive as a result. Oil byproducts are an important part of fertilizers, and their price accounts for 20 percent of the cost of growing grains.

Climate Change

Climate change can cause extreme weather conditions that harm crops or make them much more difficult to grow. Because of greenhouse gas emissions, the hot air can absorb moisture and cause it to rain less, drying up ponds and lakes. Additionally, when it does finally rain, the water runs off the land and doesn’t get absorbed by the crops.  These factors force farmers to invest more money into yielding a smaller number of crops and selling them to market at a higher price.

U.S. Government Subsidies

Because it is used to create ethanol, a large percentage of the U.S.’s corn production is subsidized. Currently, 40 percent of corn crops go to producing ethanol, which is a huge increase from 2000’s six percent. This means less corn is going to the food supply each year, causing the prices at the grocery store to rise.

World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization also has a say in the world’s corn and wheat stockpiles. Because many developed countries like the U.S. and countries in the EU subsidize their agricultural production, they have an advantage over poorer, developing countries. To compensate, the World Trade Organization limits the amount of stockpiling a country may do. However, this means that in a shortage, prices of corn or wheat could rise dramatically in the U.S.

How Does the Truck Driver Shortage Contribute?

In recent announcements, brands including Mondelez, Hershey, Nestle, Unilever, and Coca-Cola stated they will need to increase prices in 2019. These price hikes are in reference to two factors: Higher ingredient costs and increased freight expenses.

A detailed analysis revealed that the cost of a refrigerated truck moving from Washington State to New York rose by 18 percent in only a few weeks. So, a shipment that costed $8,450 jumped to $10,000 a few weeks later. In addition, a truckload heading east out of California saw prices rise by 25 percent during the same time period.

So, what does this have to do with the trucking shortage? Because there are less truckers on the road, the demand for qualified drivers is boosting prices across the board. The cost to transport food across the country has risen, and those higher prices are reflected in markets and grocery stores as well.

American Trucking Associations says the industry is lacking at least 50,000 drivers. If the trucking shortage continues on its current path, that number will be at 174,000 by 2026. And in a decade, it could take 890,000 new drivers to adequately close the gap. Now more than ever, trucking companies are on the lookout for new, qualified drivers to help keep grocery prices low and the economy healthy.

The Importance Of Trucking During The Holiday Season


This holiday season is off to a record-breaking start; from Black Friday, to Cyber Monday and beyond, sales have skyrocketed in store and online. In fact, a record-breaking $6.22 billion was reported from online sales alone this Black Friday, which is a 24 percent increase from last year. And not only are there more sales this year, but the average order value has increased to $146, an 8.5 percent increase from 2017. Cyber Monday also had its most-ever sales at $7.9 billion, a 19.4 percent increase from last year’s $6.6 billion.

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), November and December make up nearly 20 percent of annual retail sales, and this number is only expected to rise. These increased sales mean big things for the U.S. economy and businesses everywhere. They also force consumers to reflect on how important truck drivers and the freight industry are during the holiday season.

Communities Rely on the Trucking Industry

Studies show that 80 percent of communities across the U.S. receive all of their goods by truck. That means that without truck drivers, the large majority of the U.S. would not have access to food, clothes or supplies all year-round. This becomes even more prevalent during the holiday season, as families around the country rely on truckers to deliver the food, decorations, and gifts to help fulfill their family traditions.

Without truck drivers, packages would not arrive at people’s homes in time for Christmas or other days of celebration, office shelves and storage closets would remain empty year-round, and retail establishments would have no products to sell. Especially in areas that have no alternative means of delivery, businesses rely on weekly or monthly shipments from reliable truck drivers in order to make a profit throughout the season.

Truckers Help Keep Holiday Roads Safe

During Thanksgiving alone, an estimated 54.3 million Americans traveled at least 50 miles away from their homes; a 4.8 percent increase from last year. As more and more people start traveling for the holidays, the risk of accidents also increases. However, each year, truckers are doing their part to keep the roads as safe as possible through extensive training, innovative technology and safety communication campaigns. In fact, the American Trucking Association invests over $9 billion annually into these facets. This is to ensure truckers are well-trained and given the best, most up-to-date vehicles possible, so that everyone can arrive safely during the holidays and year-round.

Rise of Online Shopping and the Freight Industry  

Because of the rise in Amazon’s frictionless shopping experiences, low prices, and same-day / two-day deliveries, consumers now have heightened expectations when it comes to shopping. People want a personalized experience, the lowest price, and as little social interaction as possible. Most importantly, they want their merchandise immediately. This phenomenon called “The Amazon Effect,” has left traditional online and retail stores to alter their business models to keep up. However, for many businesses across America, competing with Amazon will be impossible. In fact, industry analysts project that 20 percent of retail stores will be permanently closing their doors in the next 5-7 years.

For the businesses that wish to stay afloat, fast shipping is a must. This has inspired solo truckers to pair up, so they can alternate shifts and keep the truck moving all day and night. One trucker will sleep while the other drives, usually switching every 10 hours. Fast shipping is especially important during the holidays because the percentage of online shoppers increases dramatically during this time. Last year, for example, there was a 16.9 percent increase in online shopping during the fourth quarter. Truck drivers have to work tirelessly to make sure every gift, package and holiday parcel arrives at its destination on time.

The Demand for Truckers is Increasing

As time goes by, despite concerns about new AI,  the need for truck drivers is only going to increase. According to the American Trucking Association’s “U.S. Freight Forecast to 2024,” there will need to be a 20 percent increase in freight volumes of all kinds to keep up with demand by 2024. This report, originally published in 2013, has proven prophetic in the increase we have already seen within the trucking industry, and the numbers are only getting higher. Additionally, due to the new tariffs rolling out against overseas trade,  U.S. trucker demand will skyrocket again as more and more goods are manufactured and distributed in the U.S.


Tis the season to be grateful for truckers everywhere, and if you are considering becoming a commercial truck driver yourself, there is no better time to get started. Jumpstart the process and get yourself behind the wheel of a big rig as soon as possible and leave your financing needs in the capable hands of Mission Financial.


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