
semi truck accident

What to Do After a Semi Truck Accident

semi truck accident

There’s a lot of risk involved in running a semi-truck business. Of course, one of the main risks is ending up in a semi-truck accident.

Experiencing a truck accident can be a traumatic experience. Depending on the accident, you could face all kinds of issues – such as damage to your vehicle, injuries, and a pause in your business operations. This is why it’s so important to know exactly what to do after experiencing an accident.

Even though you may be shaken up, following the right step after a semi-truck accident is essential. Doing so will help you with your well-being, as well as any potential legal claims you might make.

So if you experience a semi-truck accident of any scale, be sure to follow the steps below.

After a Semi Truck Accident: Top Steps

Focus On Safety

The first and most important step after a semi-truck accident is to make sure that everyone involved in the accident is safe. Assess your condition and check up on the condition of anyone else involved in the accident. Passenger vehicles should first check that everyone in the vehicle is safe, and make note of any serious and minor injuries.

If possible, move the semi-truck to a safe location away from traffic for public safety. Make sure to turn on your hazard lights to alert any other drivers of the accident.

If you are injured or unable to move, try to remain still until help arrives. The same applies to any passengers that might be in the semi-truck. If you need to tend to any serious injuries, try to first get guidance from emergency services over the phone.

Contact Emergency Services

Call emergency services immediately to report the accident and request medical assistance if anyone involved in the accident needs it. The police will also arrive at the scene to document the incident and prepare an accident report, which is important for insurance purposes.

You may also need to arrange for a tow truck to come to clear the accident scene. Of course, semi-truck crashes involve large vehicles, so you may need a special commercial truck towing service.

Gather the Right Information

As soon as everything is safe at the scene of the accident, the next step is to gather all of the necessary information about the accident. This is important for reporting semi-truck accidents and making sure you have all of the facts for doing this.

Collect information from all parties involved in the accident, including the semi-truck driver, witnesses, and passengers. If another commercial vehicle is involved in the crash, take down the details of the trucking company too.

Gather everyone’s names, contact details, driver’s license numbers, insurance information, and license plate numbers. While this may seem like a hassle straight after a semi-truck accident, having this information available is essential.

Document the Accident Scene

The next critical step in dealing with a semi-truck accident is making sure that you gather enough physical evidence about the crash. You’ll need this when reporting the accident and filing any insurance claims.

Use your phone to take pictures and videos of the accident scene. Capture the position of vehicles, damages sustained, skid marks, traffic signs, and any visible injuries. Having these visual records of the accident will make it a lot easier to file any claims and proceed with the legal aftermath of the accident.

When gathering this information, you’ll also need to make sure that you get the story straight for how the accident took place and which party was at fault. Ensure the evidence you gather can clearly depict this.

Notify Your Insurance Company

After commercial trucks have an accident, things can get expensive very quickly. The first thing you’ll want to do once the accident is cleared is notify our insurance company.

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with accurate details of the incident and share the evidence you have gathered. By filing a claim quickly, you’ll have a far smoother claims process. Gaining compensation for any damages or injuries will also be a lot quicker.

Seek Medical Attention

You might not think you’re injured, but if you’ve been in a semi-truck accident it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.

Some injuries get worse over time, without showing full effect immediately. By going for a proper medical examination, you’ll detect any underlying issues which means you can treat them quickly.

Consult With a Lawyer

This isn’t always an absolutely necessary step, but consulting with an attorney certainly has its advantages after a semi-truck accident.

Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in semi-truck accidents is ideal. They will evaluate your case, protect your rights, and guide you through the legal process. An attorney will handle negotiations with insurance companies, gather evidence, and represent your best interests if litigation becomes necessary.

While you don’t always need a lawyer after an accident, you will want to work with one after a complicated incident.

Preserve Your Evidence

If there is a case and you need to work with a lawyer, then make sure you have all of your supporting evidence stored safely.

Preserve all evidence related to the accident, including medical records, accident reports, photographs, and witness statements. This evidence will be vital for supporting your insurance claim or potential lawsuit, should you pursue legal action against the responsible party.

Understand Your Legal Rights

On the topic of lawsuits and attorneys, it’s vital that you understand your legal rights after an accident. Know what you can and cannot do, and familiarize yourself with the specific laws surrounding semi-truck accidents in your jurisdiction.

Each state may have different regulations and statutes of limitations. Understanding your rights empowers you to make informed decisions regarding insurance claims and legal actions. Having enough legal knowledge also means you can proceed with the case faster and more efficiently.

File an Insurance Claim

Now you’ve got legal help, evidence of the semi-truck accident, and you’ve been in touch with your insurance company. The next step is to file an insurance claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Provide them with all relevant information and evidence to support your claim. The more support documents you have, the better.

Insurance companies can be difficult to work with – especially in cases where large commercial semi-trucks are involved. This is why having good legal representation is so useful.

Negotiate a Settlement

A key part of the claims process is negotiating a settlement. If you work with an attorney, then they will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Try to reach a fair settlement that compensates you for property damages, medical expenses, and possibly lost wages. Of course, the settlement you reach will depend on the specifics of the accident and the commercial insurance company.

If you cannot reach a suitable agreement with the insurance company, then you may need to pursue a lawsuit. This is not ideal, but can be worthwhile depending on the accident.

Consider Legal Action

This isn’t always the case, but there are certain accidents where filing a lawsuit is necessary. You would do this to seek full compensation (which the insurance company isn’t offering) and to protect all of your rights.

If you do decide to take legal action, your attorney will guide you through the entire litigation process. They will represent your interests in court and work to get you the compensation you desire.

While filing a lawsuit can be very worthwhile, it really just depends on the specifics of your case. Each case is different, with some more suitable for lawsuits than others.

Complete Your Semi-Truck Repairs

There are plenty of legal challenges you have to face when dealing with a semi-truck accident. Despite all of this, you’ll still need to get your truck back on the road and your business back in operation as soon as possible. This will likely involve following through with semi-truck repairs.

You may need to rake out a semi-truck repair loan in order to do this if you are still waiting on the insurance settlement. In some cases, you may even need to replace the entire semi-truck completely. Knowing how to buy a semi-truck and find the right semi-truck financing is important here.

The sooner you get your truck repaired, the faster you can get past the accident and back on the road.


Experiencing a semi-truck accident can be an incredibly difficult event. However, following the right steps and knowing what to do after the accident will make the whole process a lot easier to manage. By taking the right steps efficiently, you’ll be able to get past the accident faster and more positively.

If you find yourself needing to purchase a new semi-truck after experiencing an accident, then it’s also important to understand what semi-truck financing options you have available. Get in touch with us at Mission Financial, where we can help any truck driver secure financing for the commercial vehicle of their dreams.

top 10 commercial truck insurance companies

Top 10 Commercial Truck Insurance Companies

top 10 commercial truck insurance companies

With so many commercial truck insurance providers out there, finding the best policy can be tricky.

When you buy a semi-truck, you must get the right commercial truck coverage for your business needs. The best commercial truck insurance depends on your specific business, vehicle, and scenario.

To help you find the right policy, here are the top 10 commercial truck insurance companies operating right now.

Top Commercial Truck Insurance Companies


Progressive holds the largest market share of commercial truck insurance companies in the US, making it an easy choice for truck drivers.

This insurance provider is available in all 50 states and offers free state and federal insurance filings. Progressive also offers a wide variety of commercial truck insurance discounts to drivers.

Another one of the main reasons why Progressive is so popular is because their commercial trucking insurance is available to cover a large variety of truck types. No matter what kind of semi-truck business you run, there will be a suitable commercial auto insurance plan available from Progressive.


If you’re looking for a commercial truck insurance company that focuses on single truck drivers, then Sentry is one of the best options. Unlike other truck insurance companies that focus on coverage for larger businesses and fleets, Sentry’s main focus is on individual trucks and drivers.

Their commercial insurance coverage is flexible depending on your vehicle and situation. Sentry is also available in all 50 states and offers more personalized insurance coverage for owner-operators in the trucking industry.

Hartford Trucking Insurance

Hartford is another one of the most popular commercial truck insurance companies available across all 50 states. Whether you’re an owner-operator or manage a large fleet, Hartford offers relevant insurance coverage for your needs.

Compared to other commercial truck insurance providers, Hartford offers some of the best discounts and complimentary coverages. They also provide special risk engineering services for fleets, which is a useful option for any larger trucking company.

While owner-operators can use Hartford, the company’s multi-vehicle truck insurance policies are the most popular.

State Farm

State Farm is consistently recognized as one of the top 10 commercial truck insurance companies thanks to its high level of customer service.

The company’s commercial truck insurance premiums are reasonable, and they offer various packages for individual owner-operators or fleet vehicles. State Farm’s commercial truck insurance is also available in all 50 states.

While State Farm offers good coverage to commercial truck drivers, their main differentiator is their consistently strong consumer satisfaction ratings.


Technically, CoverWallet is not one of the top 10 commercial truck insurance companies because it’s an aggregator. However, if you’re looking for the best commercial truck insurance deal, then CoverWallet is one of the best places to find it.

You can use CoverWallet to compare commercial truck insurance costs, features, and coverage options across multiple premiums with instant quotes. The platform also offers comprehensive coverage options for owner-operators with bad credit history.

If you’re looking to purchase commercial truck insurance for any type of vehicle or business, then CoverWallet is a great place to start your journey.


When it comes to commercial truck insurance in the US, Chubb is a market-leading name.

Chubb offers business insurance to all kinds of industries and business sizes, including a range of commercial trucking insurance policies. This includes truck insurance, motor truck cargo insurance, non-trucking liability coverage, and more.

Chubb has a large network of offices across the US, and its commercial truck insurance protects anyone from individual owner-operators to large fleets. Their flexible policies and premiums can be tailored to any trucking business.

Nationwide Insurance

As their name suggests, Nationwide Insurance is a top choice if you want comprehensive coverage across all 50 states.

Nationwide is one of the most popular commercial truck insurance companies thanks to being one of the most well-known personal and business insurance providers in the US. Unfortunately, this does mean that their commercial trucking insurance prices can be on the higher side.

However. Nationwide offers a wide range of policies for owner-operators and large fleets. You can access motor truck cargo insurance, commercial auto insurance, and semi-truck insurance for vehicles of all types and sizes. Coverage options are flexible and can include various discounts.

Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway offers truck insurance coverage through GEICO, biBERK, and THREE. These insurance companies are not as large as others, but they all offer a good range of commercial truck insurance and business insurance for companies of all sizes and types.

Berkshire Hathaway’s various insurance companies offer good policies for specific types of trucking businesses. This ranges from low-cost auto insurance to commercial insurance for businesses with specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for rental reimbursement policies, motor truck cargo insurance, non-trucking liability coverage, insurance that offers medical payments, or just straightforward coverage for commercial vehicles, BH’s subsidiaries will have a solution for you.

Farmers Insurance

Farmers Insurance does not offer the most extensive policies compared to other trucking insurance companies. However, the company is straightforward and transparent with its policies and offers good value for money.

Farmers Insurance is also known for its fast claims settlement process and attractive discounts for responsible drivers.


If you’re after affordable insurance policies, then Allstate is certainly one of the top 10 commercial truck insurance companies out there. The company offers a wide range of commercial truck insurance policies and is known for its excellent customer service and claims processes.

Allstate also offers flexible commercial insurance coverage to match the specific needs of owner-operators or large fleets of commercial trucks.


We chose this list of the top 10 commercial truck insurance companies based on their variety of policies and coverage options available.

Whether you’re an individual with a semi-truck or operate a large commercial fleet, these truck insurance companies will offer a policy that works for your scenario.

Always compare quotes and shop around when choosing commercial truck insurance. This will help you get the best policy, premiums, and coverage for your trucking business needs.

If you’re looking to purchase a commercial truck, then you’ll also need to work with the right truck financing provider. At Mission Financial, we help everyone gain financing to match their needs – regardless of whether you have bad credit. Get in touch if you’re ready to buy your dream truck.

All About Self-driving Semi-trucks

All About Self-driving Semi-trucks

self driving semi trucks
2027 is the year that some experts believe self-driving semi-trucks will get on the highways, although a few road tests are already underway. This will shake up the trucking industry!

It may affect you, whether you’re a seasoned truck driver or new to trucking. What are self-driving trucks? Are they a good idea? Will they replace human truck drivers?

In this post, we discuss everything you should know about self-driving semi-trucks to help you plan and avoid any disruption to your livelihood.

What Are Self-driving Semi-trucks?

Self-driving or automated semi-trucks are eighteen-wheelers capable of traveling independently, i.e., without input from human drivers. They can go anywhere traditional trucks go and do almost everything human drivers do.

These trucks depend on self-driving technology, including sensors, actuators, machine learning systems, and powerful processors to navigate. They create and keep a clear map of their environment using several sensors and cameras strategically placed in various parts of the vehicle.

Some of these include:

  • Radar sensors scan the positions of any vehicles nearby.
  • Light detection and ranging (Lidar) sensors identify lane markings, detect road edges, and measure distances.
  • Video cameras look for pedestrians, track other vehicles, read road signs, and detect traffic lights.
  • Ultrasonic sensors in the truck’s wheels detect other vehicles when parking.

Once the sensors receive relevant input, they send it to sophisticated software for processing. The software then plots a path and instructs the car’s actuators to control steering, acceleration, and braking.

Predictive modeling, hard-coded rules, obstacle recognition, and avoidance algorithms help the software navigate obstacles and obey all traffic rules.

At the moment, very few semi-trucks, which are still in their testing phase, can operate entirely on their own. Most require human drivers to act as safety drivers and take control if anything goes wrong. But this is changing fast as autonomous technology continues to improve.

Key car manufacturers in the autonomous trucking industry are also channeling more resources to perfect self-driving technology and eliminate the need for drivers. So far, there are a few types (about 6) of self-driving trucks, each with a different driving automation capacity.

Types of Self-driving Trucks

Driverless trucks are categorized according to their levels of automation or how much human input the vehicles require to operate on public roads. The less human involvement the autonomous vehicle needs to operate, the higher the automation and the category.

Some common levels of autonomous driving include the below.

Level 0: No Automation

Such a vehicle requires manual driving. A human driver must be behind the wheel to perform most driving tasks like steering and acceleration. There could be a few automated truck features, such as automatic emergency braking, blind spot, and lane departure warning. But they are limited to offering warnings and momentary assistance.

Also, the driver has to supervise these features constantly to maintain safety. Most trucks currently fall under this category.

Level 1: Driver Assistance

Level 1 semi-trucks have the most basic form of automation. They come with at least one automated driving system to support the driver’s efforts. It could be a brake or /acceleration driver support system, lane centering, or adaptive cruise speed monitoring control. But not all three.

Level 2: Partial Automation

For level 2 trucks, there is an advanced driving assist system (ADAS) with lane centering and adaptive cruise control. The system provides steering and acceleration plus brake support to the driver. However, the driver still needs to remain alert and monitor all driving operations behind the wheel.

Level 3: Conditional Automation

Autonomous semi-trucks at level 3 have sophisticated self-driving features like environmental detection capabilities. The trucks can perform nearly all the driving tasks but under limited conditions. These conditions must all be met for the automated driving systems to work.

A human driver must also be present to take over upon request by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems or during an emergency.

Level 4: High Automation

Level 4 autonomous semi-trucks can perform all driving operations. This includes stopping in case of a system failure or emergency. They don’t require truck drivers.

These autonomous vehicles also don’t need pedals or a steering wheel. Their self-driving autonomous system can take the truck from one point to another following preprogrammed route set via geofencing.

Level 5: Full Automation

Full driving automation for level 5 autonomous trucks lets the vehicle travel to any place through all conditions. It doesn’t require any human interaction or geofencing. Such a system only needs the final destination details, and it takes care of all driving tasks.

Are Driverless Trucks A Good Idea?

Cass transportation index

Like most opinions, the answer to whether self-driving trucks are a good idea depends on an individual’s perspective. Some people believe autonomous trucks are a good idea for the same reasons others think they are not.

For example, big players in self-driving truck companies and fleet managers support autonomous trucks because they’ll revolutionize the trucking industry by eliminating driver shortages. At the same time, most truck drivers see automated trucks as a threat because they might lose their jobs.

We’ve outlined some of the advantages and disadvantages of self-driving trucks below. So you can weigh and judge for yourself whether they’re a good idea or not.

Advantages Of Autonomous Trucks

Improved Efficiency

With advanced technology comes increased efficiency, and autonomous trucking technology is no exception.

A self-driving semi maximizes performance in terms of the time taken to deliver freight and fuel efficiency. It can choose the most effective route to deliver freight in the shortest time possible. Also, shorter transportation time may push companies to expand their operations. More distribution centers with an increased variety of products can emerge because of this.

Increased Safety

Autonomous trucks will enhance road safety by eliminating human error – one of the most common causes of truck accidents. All the high-tech sensors and software we mentioned earlier work jointly to promote excellent driving and minimize the chances of road accidents.

Minimum to No Breaks

Unlike a human driver, a self-driving truck can operate round-the-clock, including off-peak hours, without any breaks. This means that it can transport more loads faster than human truck drivers and whenever the need arises.

Fleet managers also don’t have to stress about drivers complying with the strict logging requirements by the Department of Transportation.

Reduced Operating Costs

As a result of all the benefits above, automated trucks lower operating costs. Specifically, faster freight delivery and fuel efficiency reduce fuel expenses. While increased safety translates to substantial savings in insurance claims, settlements, and accident repairs. Having no drivers also lowers labor costs for trucking companies.

Disadvantages Of Autonomous Trucks

System Failures

Picture a fully loaded automated vehicle, say a semi-truck at about 80,000 pounds. It’s taking instructions from its high-tech system, cruising the highways. Then, the system fails. What would happen?

Critics of autonomous trucking argue that accidents ensuing from driverless trucks are more damaging than those with truck drivers for one main reason: They lack the human connection and live-saving instincts humans have.

In this scenario, if a human driver were behind the wheel, they could make eye contact with other drivers, send subtle cues, and make split-second judgment calls to prevent the accident or minimize its impact. A self-driving truck cannot do the same.

Security Threats

Self-driving technology is susceptible to cyber criminals, including hackers. Malicious attacks can bring trucking operations to a halt, affecting the entire supply chain and leading to losses.

Weather Conditions

Unpredictable weather poses a significant challenge to most self-driving vehicles. Can the sensors still identify lane markings if they’re obscured by snow?

Automotive engineers are working hard to ensure autonomous cars can operate under all weather conditions. But the uncertainty of weather and other natural phenomenon may pose new challenges with time.

Government Regulation and Legal Liability

What happens when one autonomous semi-truck collides with another? Who will be accountable or liable for the accident? What if the truck collided with a non-self-driving vehicle?

The regulatory process for self-driving cars shifted from federal control to state-by-state mandate. However, most states are yet to polish their autonomous vehicle laws to clarify such matters. Things are likely to change over time, but until then, government regulation on the operation of autonomous trucks remains a challenge.

Overreliance On Big Tech

Automated trucks will require periodic software updates to operate optimally. Because of this, big tech companies currently working to make driving automation a reality, like Torc Robotics, might take control of the transportation industry. If this happens, fleet managers may lose control of their fleet management costs.

Will Self-driving Semi-trucks Replace Human Drivers?

The truth is that trucking jobs, as we know them, will change significantly. And yes, a good number of truck drivers will lose their jobs. But self-driving semi-trucks will only displace as opposed to completely replacing human drivers.

Research estimates that automated trucks may displace more than 2 million truck drivers in the United States and Europe. The demand for new drivers will also reduce by about 70% as most current professional trucking jobs will become redundant.

New opportunities are likely to emerge. Following the trends from the ongoing driverless testing pilot programs, truck drivers may be required to take on a supervisory role. That is, supervising the truck and cargo and ensuring everything goes smoothly. They may also need to conduct emergency repairs from time to time.

Also, short-distance truck drivers will keep their jobs longer to help the trucks navigate congested urban areas. However, if you work long-haul routes, you will have to adjust since the trucks are made to automate highway driving. You can switch to short-distance trucking to continue driving. This can mean reduced working hours which will translate into a pay cut.

Alternatively, you can acquire more maintenance and supervisory skills. Or take new training and explore new roles like being an automated truck technician.

The good news is we still have a few years before driverless trucks become the norm on our highways. So, you’ll have enough time to adjust and prepare for the change.

How Soon Will Large-Scale Use Of Driverless Trucks Become A Reality?

As noted before, we might start seeing a good number of self-driving trucks on our highways as soon as 2027. But the full transition into autonomous trucking will occur gradually throughout the next decade.

The automated trucks will be made available for use in four distinct phases, using a fleet of self-driving trucks connected through wireless technology:

  • Phase one: A fleet of semi-trucks follows a lead truck closely on the highway. Each truck will have a human driver to take control of the wheel on some, mostly smaller, roads and allow the AI program to take over driving on freeways. This technique is commonly referred to as platooning.
  • Phase two: In this phase, only the lead truck will have a human driver, as a convoy of automated trucks follows closely behind. It may become a reality by 2025.
  • Phase three: For the third phase, the lead truck will be completely self-driving on the highway. Meaning the entire convoy will be autonomous. However, a human driver might have to be present in the lead truck to help navigate loading docks and small roads.
  • Phase four: The final phase will see 100% automated trucks on the highways at scale. There will be no human driver in any of the trucks. This may become a reality by early 2030.

What’s Next?

If you’re a truck driver, you may be required to adapt and take on a more passive but crucial role similar to pilots in the aviation industry.

New opportunities you can take advantage of will also emerge as automation continues to infiltrate the trucking industry.

Chances are, with time, other tasks like loading and unloading will get automated too. Overall, the transportation industry is staring at a completely digitized 24/7 supply chain, and hopefully, you are ready to make it work for you!

To stay updated with the latest news on self-driving AI and autonomous trucking, read our blog!


semi truck driver salary

Semi-Truck Driver Salary | How To Get Paid What You Deserve

semi truck driver salary

Are you considering a career as a semi-truck driver, or are you already in the field? Understanding how to maximize your earning potential is crucial to a financially rewarding experience.
In this article, we explore the factors that’ll influence your semi-truck driver salary. We will also give you tips to ensure that you are compensated appropriately for your skills and experience.

Let’s guide you through strategies to help you secure a salary reflecting your dedication and hard work. If you’re interested in a higher salary, read on!

How To Get A Good Salary As A Truck Driver

The main influences that affect your salary are your experience and the industry you choose. Luckily, you can take extra measures to ensure well-paid compensation. Let’s take a look at a few tips to help you reach your semi-truck driver salary goals.

  • Research the job market: Different regions and industries may offer varying salary levels for truck drivers. Currently, the highest-paying states for truck drivers are Delaware and Rhode Island.
  • Find reputable and competitive employers: Look for companies with a reputation for offering competitive salaries and benefits to their drivers. When evaluating potential employers, compare pay scales, bonus structures, and other perks.
  • Network and stay updated: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and network with other truck drivers. Staying connected and informed can help you learn about new opportunities and industry trends that may lead to higher salaries.

  • Specialize or get additional training: Certain truck driving jobs, such as hauling specialized cargo or operating oversized vehicles, often pay higher salaries. Consider getting specialized training to increase your marketability and earning potential.

Salary negotiation skills and personal factors such as willingness to work long hours or travel extensively can also influence your salary. Finding the right balance between financial goals and personal preferences is essential when pursuing a good salary as a truck driver.

How Much Can You Expect To Be Paid As A Truck Driver?

When it comes to a truck driver’s salary, experience, and specialization play a crucial role. In a nutshell, here’s an average of what you can expect to get for your semi-truck driver salary:

  • Entry-level truck drivers: Beginner truck drivers earn a national average of $41,160 annually.
  • Experienced truck drivers: As you gain experience and maintain a clean driving record, the average pay is $90,000.
  • Specialized truck drivers: Specialists, such as ice truckers, and those transporting demanding types of cargo, can expect to be paid anything from $70,000 per year.

Remember, your semi-truck driver salary can differ depending on your location and the company you work for. A more reputable company will often pay more than the average salary compared to a startup business.

Perks Of Being A Truck Driver

You can enjoy a variety of perks. Below, we’ve listed only a few of the top benefits you can expect as a small-scale semi-truck driver.

Benefits and Perks From Employers

Many trucking companies will offer you various benefits in addition to your semi-truck driver salary. Let’s take a look at some of them below:

  • Health insurance: Some companies will provide health insurance coverage. What the health insurance plan offers varies between companies. So, it’s always important to review the details to understand the extent of coverage.
  • Retirement plans: Your trucking company may offer retirement plans, such as a 401(k). These plans allow drivers to contribute a portion of their earnings towards retirement, often with the added benefit of employer matching contributions.
  • Paid time off: Paid time off (PTO) is a common perk provided by trucking companies. You can take time off when needed and still receive compensation for those days.
  • Driver lounges and amenities: Many trucking companies provide designated driver lounges at their facilities or offer access to amenities at truck stops. These lounges are often equipped with the necessary amenities to help you relax during breaks.
  • Performance bonuses: Trucking companies may have bonus programs based on driver performance, safety records, or meeting specific targets.

It’s important to note that the availability and extent of benefits and perks can vary between trucking companies. When considering employment opportunities, we recommend thoroughly reviewing the benefits package offered by each company to assess the overall compensation and value provided.

Job Security And Demand

Job security is a notable aspect of the truck driving profession due to the constant demand in the transportation industry. Many industries rely heavily on the transportation of goods.

So, truck drivers have a crucial impact on the economy by delivering goods across the country.

E-commerce and online shopping continue to see rapid growth. It means the need to deliver goods to customers quickly grows with it. Because of this demand, the dependence on the trucking industry is unlikely to diminish in the foreseeable future. This sustained demand ensures truck drivers a relatively stable and secure job outlook.

The trucking industry also faces a shortage of qualified drivers, further enhancing job security. As a result, there’s an ongoing need for new drivers to fill these vacancies, which leads to a relatively stable job market and increased job security for individuals entering the profession.

Constant Learning And Skill Development

Constant learning and skill development are valuable perks of being a truck driver. It’ll help increase your marketability and your semi-truck driver salary. Here’s what else it can do for you:

  • Evolving industry: Technological advancements and regulations constantly change the trucking industry. You’ll have the chance to learn and stay updated on industry changes continuously. It keeps your skills relevant and valuable in the ever-evolving world of trucking.
  • Training programs: Many trucking companies offer training programs that cover safety protocols, new technologies, and compliance with regulations. These programs help you enhance your skills and stay informed about the latest industry practices.
  • Professional certifications: Pursuing certifications, like an ice road trucker, showcases your expertise and commitment to your profession. These certifications can lead to more job opportunities and higher pay.
  • Technology adoption: The trucking industry is embracing technology rapidly. Learning and utilizing tools like GPS navigation, electronic logging devices (ELDs), and fleet management software improves your efficiency and job performance.
  • Personal growth and adaptability: Being a truck driver exposes you to diverse experiences, people, and situations. In return, it promotes personal growth, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

Constant learning and skill development as a truck driver contributes to your professional growth, job satisfaction, and marketability within the industry. Embracing these opportunities allows you to thrive in the ever-changing trucking landscape and build a successful and fulfilling career.

Independence And Freedom

Being a truck driver offers several perks, including independence and freedom. One of the advantages is having a flexible schedule. Unlike traditional office jobs, you can often choose routes and plan your travel stops. This flexibility provides you with more control over your working hours.

Even though you are responsible for meeting deadlines and adhering to safety regulations, you’ll have a certain level of independence. It means you can make your own decisions on your own and manage your own time.

As a bonus, you’ll have the opportunity to explore new places. You’ll experience the open road, witness diverse landscapes, and visit different cities, towns, and regions nationwide. It gives a sense of adventure.

Tax Deductions

Tax deductions can be advantageous for truck drivers as they can help reduce the overall tax liability. Here are some standard tax deductions that you may be eligible for:

  • Meal allowance: When you’re on the road, you can deduct a portion of your meal expenses. The IRS allows truck drivers to claim between 50% and 80% back for meal allowances.

  • Travel expenses: Travel expenses, such as overnight lodging, fuel, and maintenance costs, can also be deducted. However, long-distance drivers are more likely to benefit from these deductions than regional drivers.
  • Communication equipment: Any devices, such as cell phones and laptops, that you use exclusively for work are 100% deductible. It also includes any office supplies that you make use of.
  • Insurance: Owner-operators can deduct insurance used to cover their ½ semi-trucks. It also includes removing cargo insurance and other necessary small business commercial vehicle insurance.
  • Tools and equipment: Any tools needed to complete job contracts can be deducted from your tax obligations.

It’s essential to keep accurate records of your yearly expenses to support your deductions. Consider consulting with a tax professional or using tax software designed for truck drivers to ensure you take full advantage of all eligible deductions and comply with IRS regulations.

Final Thoughts

A truck driving career offers the potential for a rewarding career and a competitive semi-truck driver salary.

By knowing and understanding the factors that influence commercial truck driver salaries, you can take steps to maximize your earnings.

With experience, professionalism, and a commitment to ongoing growth, you can carve out a successful career and secure a semi-truck driver salary that reflects your dedication and expertise.

If you’re ready to start your truck driving journey, we can help. Mission Financial Services offers loans to new and existing truck drivers. Even if you have a low credit score, we’d like to hear from you!

federal bank commercial vehicle loan

All About A Federal Bank Commercial Vehicle Loan

federal bank commercial vehicle loan
Do you understand what a federal bank commercial vehicle loan is?

Purchasing a federal commercial vehicle can often be an intimidating process. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, and you need to make sure you choose a financing option that makes the most sense for your business.

The good news is that commercial vehicle financing can also be a really smooth process if you work with the right company. This makes it easy to access the business vehicle loan you need, to purchase your ideal truck.

This guide will break down what a federal bank commercial vehicle loan is, and what is required to take out one of these loans.

Federal Vehicle Commercial Vehicle Loans

If you want to purchase a commercial vehicle, like a semi-truck, then you’ll likely need to take out a commercial vehicle loan.

Various business vehicle loan options are available for purchasing federal vehicles. Let’s break down how this works.

What is a Federal Commercial Vehicle Loan?

The Federal Vehicle Standards are a system that classifies all commercially available vehicles, governed by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. These regulations specify things like the design, construction, performance, and durability requirements of commercial vehicles.

If you want to purchase commercial vehicles that fall under these federal standards, then you’ll likely need to take out a business vehicle loan.

When you take out a commercial vehicle loan, the loan will need to be administered based on the vehicle you have chosen. Of course, any new commercial vehicles in the US need to abide by the Federal Vehicle Standards.

So, a federal vehicle commercial loan is really just a form of vehicle financing that applies to classified commercial vehicles.

Best Way To Finance Your Semi Truck

There are a couple of different options you face when taking out a commercial vehicle loan for your semi-truck. These include taking out a loan amount to purchase the new vehicle, entering into a hire-purchase scheme, or even leasing the commercial vehicle (if you don’t purchase it).

While different options have their advantages for different people and types of semi-truck businesses, the best way to finance your semi-truck is generally to take out a term loan with competitive interest rates.

Let’s break down the different steps you’d need to go through to take out a commercial vehicle loan.

Establish Your Credibility

The first step to taking out any kind of commercial vehicle loan is to determine your credibility for the loan. Various checks are made to establish this, which include:

  • Looking into your credit history and credit score: Ideally, you’ll work with a financing provider that considers your entire credit profile, and not only your credit score. This helps people with bad credit access loans for their business needs.
  • Establishing how much of a down patent you can make: Often, a larger down payment can result in better interest rates. While a down payment is not always necessary, first-time customers generally pay a down payment of around 20% to 30% of the vehicle’s price.
  • Your time with a commercial driver’s license (CDL): The longer you’ve held a CDL, the easier it will be to vehicle financing loan schemes with competitive rates.
  • Considering the vehicle type and age: Of course, lenders provide customized solutions based on the type of vehicle you plan to purchase. Some vehicle financing providers accommodate buyers who are interested in older vehicles. However, it’s important to consider the cost of repairs and maintenance when purchasing an older truck.

trucks in field

These factors will help you determine how eligible you are for taking out a business loan. These elements also determine the maximum loan amount you can take out, and whether you can access flexible terms on the working capital.

Gather Your Information

Once you have established your financing credibility, the next step is to gather all of the documentation you need to apply for an existing commercial vehicle loan.

Vehicle loans require buyers to produce the following documents:

  • Bank statements
  • References
  • Your CDL
  • Contact details
  • Proof of insurance
  • Business incorporation documents or operating agreements (depending on the business loan)

By having all of these documents ready, applying for vehicle loans becomes a much faster process. This will help you get the funding you need as soon as you find the right vehicle.

Find the Vehicle

Now you need to find the semi-truck that matches your business requirements. Having very specific requirements in place will make it a lot easier to find the right truck for your needs. Of course, you will also have a very clear budget available for your business vehicle.

Once you have found the right truck, you’ll need to establish an exact price for the vehicle and get a written quote on the purchase of the truck. This is necessary for your business loan.

Get Your Insurance

It’s possible to get vehicle loans pre-approved without insurance, but having an insurance policy in place will make the process a lot easier. This is essential for finalizing your truck financing.

hands writing

There are many different types of insurance policies available, each with its own pros and cons. Make sure that you choose a policy that makes sense for your vehicle and business.

Apply for the Loan

Now you just need to submit all of your documents to your vehicle financing company to access the business loan.

Mission Financial makes applying for vehicle loans an easy process. Anyone, regardless of credit history, can access loans with a great interest rate. This makes it simple to purchase the semi-truck of your dreams.

Final Thoughts

There can be quite a lot involved in taking out a commercial vehicle loan. The most important thing is being well-prepared, and having a good understanding of your requirements. This will help you find a loan and vehicle that makes the most sense for your situation.

At Mission Financial Services, we help truck drivers and businesses of all sizes access the best possible commercial loans for their needs. Get in touch today to see how we can help you purchase the ideal federal commercial vehicle for your requirements.

commercial truck insurance for small business

Everything To Know About Commercial Truck Insurance For Small Businesses

commercial truck insurance for small business

Hey there, small business owners in the trucking industry! Are you running a fleet of commercial trucks or considering venturing into this dynamic field? In that case, one crucial aspect you need to familiarize yourself with is commercial truck insurance.

It’s no secret that the road can be unpredictable, and protecting your business from potential risks and liabilities is essential.

Let’s delve into the world of trucking insurance, unravel its complexities, and provide you with essential insights to make informed decisions.

So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to navigate the insurance landscape with confidence and peace of mind!

Commercial Truck Insurance For Small Business: All You Need To Know

Here’s everything you need to know when you purchase commercial truck insurance.

Types Of Commercial Truck Insurance

Understanding the types of commercial truck coverage is crucial for small businesses in the trucking industry. Each type of coverage addresses specific risks and liabilities, allowing you to tailor your personal auto insurance policies to the unique needs of your business.

By selecting the appropriate insurance coverage, you can protect your assets, comply with legal requirements, and confidently operate your small trucking business.

Here are the most common types of small business commercial vehicle insurance out there.

Primary Liability Insurance

Primary liability insurance is a legal requirement for all commercial trucks operating on public roads. It covers bodily injury and property damage caused to others in an accident where the insured truck is at fault. This insurance ensures victims receive compensation for their injuries or property damage, protecting your business from lawsuits.

commercial truck insurance for small business

Physical Damage Coverage

Physical damage coverage protects the insured commercial truck itself. It includes collision coverage, which covers damages from collisions with other vehicles or objects.

It also covers damages from non-collision incidents such as theft, vandalism, fire, or natural disasters. Physical damage coverage is critical if your truck has significant value or if you have financing or leasing obligations.

Cargo Insurance

Cargo insurance protects the goods or freight being transported by your commercial truck. It covers damage or loss of cargo due to accidents, theft, or other covered perils.

Cargo insurance is crucial for trucking businesses that transport valuable or sensitive cargo, providing peace of mind and financial protection in case of unforeseen incidents.

Non-Trucking Liability Insurance

Non-trucking liability insurance, or bobtail insurance, covers liability when the truck is operated for non-business purposes, such as when the semi-truck driver is off-duty or using the truck for personal use. This insurance fills the coverage gap that may exist when the primary liability insurance does not apply outside of business-related activities.

Motor Truck General Liability Insurance

Motor truck general liability insurance offers coverage beyond primary liability insurance. It covers bodily injury or property damage caused by non-trucking-related activities, such as when the driver is at a loading dock or engaged in other non-driving operations. This insurance protects your business from potential liability claims during trucking operations.

Trailer Interchange Insurance

Trailer interchange insurance covers damage or loss to non-owned trailers that a trucking company uses under a trailer interchange agreement.

White truck on road

This insurance is essential for rental reimbursement and when trucking companies interchange trailers with other companies or use trailers owned by others, ensuring that damages to the trailers are covered under your commercial truck insurance policy.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage that extends beyond the limits of your primary liability insurance. It offers extra protection against high-cost claims and lawsuits.

Umbrella insurance can benefit trucking businesses that want to increase their liability coverage limits and protect their assets in a catastrophic event.

What To Look For In Commercial Truck Insurance

When choosing the best commercial truck insurance for commercial vehicles, it’s essential to consider several factors to ensure you have the right coverage that meets your specific needs. Here are some key aspects to look for when evaluating commercial trucking insurance options:

Customizable Policies

Every trucking business is unique, and your insurance needs may vary depending on the type of cargo you transport, the distance you travel, and other specific factors. Look for insurance providers that offer customizable policies, allowing you to tailor the coverage to your business requirements. This ensures you only pay for the coverage you need without unnecessary extras.

Adequate Coverage Limits

Assess the coverage limits offered by the insurance policy. It’s crucial to have adequate coverage limits that align with your business’s potential risks and liabilities. Consider factors such as the value of your trucks, the nature of the cargo you transport, and the potential costs of accidents or lawsuits. Adequate coverage limits provide the financial protection you need in case of unforeseen events.

trucking business

Deductibles And Premiums

Evaluate the deductibles and premiums associated with the insurance policy. Deductibles are the amount you’re responsible for paying out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. At the same time, premiums are the recurring payments you make for the policy. Consider your budget and financial capabilities to choose deductibles and premiums that are reasonable and affordable for your small business.

Claims Process And Customer Support

Look for an insurance provider with a straightforward and efficient claims process. In the event of an accident or loss, a responsive and supportive claims department can make a significant difference in quickly resolving issues and getting your business back on track. Read reviews and seek recommendations to gauge the quality of customer support the insurance company provides.

Insurance Company Reputation

Research the reputation and financial stability of the commercial truck insurance company you are considering. Look for insurance providers with a solid track record, strong financial ratings, and a history of providing reliable coverage and excellent customer service. Reputable commercial truck insurance providers will give you confidence that they’ll be there when you need them most.

Additional Services And Resources

Consider any additional services or resources offered by the insurance provider. Some companies provide risk management tools, safety training programs, or access to industry-specific expertise. These value-added services can help you enhance the safety of your operations, mitigate risks, and improve overall business performance.

Insuring Vs. Financing Your Semi-Truck

truck on road

When it comes to buying a semi-truck for businesses, you’ll likely face the decision of whether to insure or finance your vehicle.

Both options have their merits, and understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision. Let’s explore the considerations when it comes to insuring versus financing your semi-truck:

Insuring Your Semi-Truck

Insuring your semi-truck is critical in protecting your investment and managing potential risks. Commercial truck insurance companies offer coverage for liability, physical damage, motor truck cargo, and more.

Insuring your semi-truck protects your business from the financial implications of accidents, theft, damage, or other unforeseen events. Commercial auto insurance acts as a safety net, helping you recover financially and continue operations in the face of adversity.

It provides peace of mind, knowing that you’re adequately protected and can focus on your business without worrying about the potential financial burden of incidents on the road.

Financing Your semi-truck

Financing your semi-truck involves obtaining a loan or lease to acquire the vehicle. This option allows you to spread the cost of the truck over a predetermined period, making it more affordable in the short term.

Financing can be advantageous, especially if you don’t have the total funds upfront or prefer to allocate your capital to other aspects of your business.

By financing, you can secure a reliable and efficient semi-truck without depleting your cash reserves, enabling you to preserve working capital for operational needs or other investments.

However, it’s essential to consider the terms and interest rates associated with the financing option to ensure it aligns with your budget and financial goals.


Making The Right Choice

The decision between insuring and financing your semi-truck ultimately depends on your specific circumstances and priorities. Assessing your business’s financial position, risk tolerance, and long-term goals is crucial.

If you have the financial capacity, insuring your semi-truck is a non-negotiable aspect of responsible business ownership. Insurance protects your investment, business reputation, and ability to bounce back from potential setbacks.

On the other hand, if you require additional funds to acquire a semi-truck and financing aligns with your financial strategy, securing a loan or lease can be a viable option. You’ll need to consider commercial truck insurance costs.

Most businesses choose a combination of both insurance and financing.

By insuring your semi-truck and financing its purchase, you can simultaneously enjoy the benefits of protection and affordability. This approach allows you to balance the need for insurance coverage with the financial flexibility provided by financing arrangements.

Ultimately, whether you choose to insure, finance, or pursue a combination of both for your semi-truck, consulting with professionals in the insurance and financing sectors is crucial.

Final Thoughts

Remember, insurance is not just a requirement like your commercial driver’s license, it’s an investment in the longevity and stability of your business.

Take the time to research and compare different insurance options, consult with professionals in the industry if needed, and choose a policy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.

With the right commercial truck coverage, you can focus on growing your business while knowing you’re protected against potential challenges and setbacks.

If you’re looking to insure your semi-truck, reach out to Mission Financial Services today.


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