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stressed truck driver

Seventy five percent of truck drivers say their job is mentally and physically stressful. While stress is almost a given for any truck driver, knowing how to manage it effectively is essential for a happy and healthy career.

Follow this guide for some of the best stress management tips for truck drivers.

Signs of Stress in Truck Drivers

As a truck driver, it’s important to spot common signs of chronic stress. Here are some of the main truck driver stress symptoms to keep an eye out for.

Physical Signs

Stressed truck drivers might have frequent headaches and feel tired all the time.

Sleep disturbances are common if you feel stressed, making it hard to get a good night’s rest. Muscle tension, especially in the neck and shoulders, is another sign of stress.

Emotional Signs

Stressed drivers might be easily irritated and feel unnecessarily anxious. Depression is another concern, with drivers feeling down or hopeless when they have high stress levels.

Behavioral Signs

Stressed truck drivers often change their eating habits, either eating too much or too little.

Some stressed drivers turn to alcohol or drugs more frequently. Social withdrawal is another sign of stress, as drivers avoid interacting with others.

Needless to say, stress can lead to decreased job performance, affecting your quality of work and safety on the road.

Cognitive Signs

Truck drivers who can’t manage stress might have difficulty concentrating on tasks. Memory problems could occur, and negative thinking becomes more frequent.

long driving hours

Causes of Stress in Truck Drivers

Ask any mental health professional, and they can confidently say that truck driving is a high-stress profession. Here are some of the main reasons.

Long Hours and Tight Deadlines

Truck drivers often face long hours on the road and strict delivery deadlines.

The long driving hours can be exhausting and stressful, especially when there’s the added pressure to meet tight schedules.


Being away from family and friends for long periods is always a big cause of stress.

Isolation can lead to loneliness and disconnection. Missing things like family events and daily interactions adds to the emotional weight.

Traffic and Road Conditions

Dealing with congested traffic is a major stressor for truck drivers. Poor road conditions make driving even more challenging and frustrating.

Health Concerns

As a truck driver, you’ve got limited access to healthy food and hardly any time for regular exercise.

If you don’t stay healthy and , you’ll start slipping into a more stressed state.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Sticking to regulations and maintaining compliance is a constant source of stress for truck drivers, especially owner-operators.

Truck drivers need to keep up with changing laws and ensure their paperwork is always in order.

Financial Pressures

When it comes to truck driver stress levels, concerns about money and job security are common. The fluctuating nature of the industry can also lead to financial instability.

truck driver exercise

13 Stress Management Techniques for Truck Drivers

While you can’t always avoid stress, knowing how to relieve stress is essential in this fast-paced environment.

Here are some of our best tips for reducing stress as a truck driver.

1. Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity can greatly reduce stress for truck drivers.

You can do simple exercises when on the road, like stretching, walking, or using resistance bands. This can seriously improve your mood, boost your energy, and maintain your overall mental and physical health.

2. Healthy Eating Habits

Sticking to a balanced diet is crucial for managing stress.

Truck drivers should aim to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins while on the road. Avoiding fast food and sugary snacks can go a long way in managing stress.

3. Adequate Sleep

Quality sleep is essential for stress management.

Truck drivers should create a sleep-friendly environment in their trucks, using blackout curtains and comfortable bedding. Sticking to a regular sleep schedule is vital – no matter how tight your deadlines are.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Consider doing simple meditation techniques, like deep breathing and focusing on the present moment, to help manage stress. You can easily practice this during breaks to reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity.

5. Time Management

Good time management skills can significantly reduce stress as a truck driver.

Plan your routes and schedules carefully to avoid last-minute rushes, and always allow time for breaks.

6. Stay Connected

Use technology to stay in touch with family and friends through video calls and social media. Regular communication is important for keeping your spirits up on lonely routes.

7. Listening to Music or Audiobooks

Listening to music or audiobooks can have a calming effect. This is a simple way to unwind and stay mentally engaged during long drives.

truck driver resting

8. Regular Breaks

Taking regular breaks is crucial for rest and recharging. Use these breaks to stretch, walk, or simply relax.

9. Professional Support

If you struggle with your mental well-being, then getting help from mental health professionals is important to help cope with the stress.

10. Hobbies and Interests

Having hobbies and interests you can focus on during downtime can be a great stress reliever. Try to find activities that help you relax and recharge between journeys.

11. Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to relieve stress.

Inhaling deeply through the nose, holding for a few seconds, and exhaling slowly can calm the mind and reduce physical tension. This can be done while driving.

12. Positive Thinking

Keeping a positive mindset is important for stress management.

Practice reframing negative thoughts and focus on positive aspects of your job. Even a small shift in thinking can make a big difference to your overall outlook and mood.

13. Hydration

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid excessive caffeine. This helps maintain energy levels and can boost your emotional well being.


If you feel stress levels rising, be sure to practice some of these techniques. They may be simple, but they can make an enormous difference to your overall mental state – which is essential for a happy and fulfilling career.

Looking to purchase a new truck but struggling to get started? Get in touch with us at Mission Financial for the most stress-free solution to commercial truck financing.

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