General Liability Insurance For Commercial Food Trucks

The right food truck insurance policy is essential for anyone operating a mobile food business.

Insurance for food trucks is vital, as it can cover your vehicle, business, and customer-related incidents. Choosing the right commercial insurance broker is essential in starting a food truck business.

Here’s everything you need to know about this insurance.

What Is Food Truck Insurance?

Food truck insurance is a specialized type designed to protect owners and operators from various risks and liabilities associated with running a mobile food business.

This insurance covers potential losses and damages that could occur while operating a food truck.

Who Needs Food Truck Insurance?

Quite simply, food truck insurance is essential for anyone operating a business with a food truck.

Regardless of the scale of operations, whether it’s a small local food truck or a more extensive mobile catering business, having proper insurance is essential to protect against unforeseen accidents, damages, liabilities, or interruptions to your business that could result in financial losses.

Basic Food Truck Insurance Cover

While each commercial insurance broker offers different plans and types of coverage, basic food truck insurance coverage typically includes two cover areas.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance for a food truck typically covers:

  • Third-party bodily injury: This covers medical expenses if someone is injured due to your food truck’s operations.
  • Third-party property damage: If your food truck or your operations cause damage to someone else’s property, this coverage helps pay for repairs or replacements.

How much commercial general liability insurance do food trucks need? This depends on your specific business and operational plan.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance for your food truck covers:

  • Accidents and collisions: This coverage helps pay for repairs to your food truck if it’s damaged in an accident, regardless of fault.
  • Liability for auto accidents: If your food truck is involved in an accident that causes injuries or property damage to others, this coverage helps cover related expenses.

Other Insurance Coverage You Might Need

We’ve covered the foundations of food truck insurance. However, depending on your food truck operation’s specific needs and risks, additional business insurance coverage options might be worth looking into.

While this raises food truck insurance costs, it could be valuable for the right business.

Here are some extra options to consider:

  • Business Interruption Insurance: Helps cover lost income and expenses if your food truck business is temporarily unable to operate.
  • Commercial Umbrella Insurance: Provides additional liability coverage above the limits of your general liability, commercial auto, or other primary policies in case of a significant claim.
  • Inland Marine Insurance: Protects movable or specialized property (e.g., equipment, tools) when transported over land. It can cover items off your premises, such as when your food truck is in transit.
  • Product Liability Insurance: Covers costs if someone claims your food products harmed them.
  • Liquor Liability Insurance: If your food truck serves alcohol, this insurance covers liabilities from alcohol-related incidents, such as injuries or property damage.
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance: Protects your food truck business against claims related to employment issues like discrimination, wrongful termination, or harassment.
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance: Covers the cost of repairing or replacing essential business equipment that breaks down due to mechanical or electrical issues.
  • Food Spoilage and Contamination Insurance: Reimburses the cost of spoiled or contaminated food due to equipment failure, power outages, or other covered causes.
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Provides medical benefits and wage replacement to injured employees. It’s mandatory in most states if you have employees working on your food truck.
  • Hired and Non-Owned Auto Insurance: Covers liability expenses when using vehicles not owned by your business (such as employee-owned vehicles used for business purposes) or renting a vehicle for business use.

What Influences Food Truck Insurance Premiums?

It’s important that you understand how food truck insurance costs are calculated. Here are some of the main factors that can influence food truck insurance premiums.

Type of Coverage

The extent and types of coverage you choose for your food truck insurance will directly impact the premium.

More comprehensive insurance for food trucks or higher coverage limits typically result in higher premiums.


The area where your food truck operates can significantly affect insurance costs.

Urban areas with higher population density or areas prone to higher crime rates or traffic accidents might have higher premiums on the food truck insurance policy.

Value of Equipment and Assets

The value of your food truck, cooking equipment, appliances, and other assets you want to insure will influence the costs of food truck insurance policies. Higher-value items generally mean higher premiums.

Claims History

Your insurance history and past claims for food truck businesses play a role in determining premiums.

If you’ve had previous claims or a history of frequent claims, it might increase your food truck insurance cost.

Driving Record

If your food truck requires commercial auto insurance, the driving records of the operators can affect premiums. A clean driving record usually results in lower premiums.

Business Experience

The length of time your food truck business has been operating can influence premiums. Established businesses with a track record of safe operations might qualify for lower rates.

Security Measures

Installing security systems, fire suppression systems, or implementing safety protocols can potentially lower insurance premiums by reducing risks of theft, fire, or accidents.

Number of Employees

Your number of employees can impact premiums, especially for workers’ compensation insurance and insurance covering medical costs or lost wages. More employees may result in higher premiums.

Final Thoughts

Take time to choose and compare food truck insurance policies carefully. Like commercial property insurance, the right policy can enormously affect how your business operates.

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